Friday, October 21, 2011

Inside Source: Videos from Homs Province

Here is a very large compilation of videos starting in September to October from all over Homs Province:

أبوعلي-الرستن: حمص الرستن قصف عشوائي واعمدة الدخان 27-9

حمص الرستن قصف عشوائي واعمدة الدخان 27-9 ج2

حمص الرستن القصف واستهداف مستوصف البر 27-9

حمص الرستن القصف المدفعي العنيف واعمدة الدخان 27-9

حمص الرستن القصف المدفعي وتمركز الدبابات 27-9

حمص الرستن اطلاق النار واستهداف المآذن 27-9

حمص الرستن اطلاق النار واستهداف الفرن الالي 28-9

حمص الرستن اطلاق نار الرشاشات والقذائف27-9

حمص الرستن اطلاق النار الكثيف على المدنيين 27-9 ج1

حمص الرستن اطلاق النار الكثيف على المدنيين 27-9 ج2

حمص الرستن اثار القصف على المنازل والسيارات 27-9

حمص الرستن القصف العشوائي واحتراق احد الابنية 27-9

حمص الرستن تدميروحرق المنازل والابنية بالكامل 30-9  هام

حمص الرستن القذائف واثار الدمار والحرائق في الابنية بالكامل 30-9 هام

حمص الرستن احد الشهداء من المدنيين العزل 27-9

حمص الرستن بعض القذائف المستخدمة 30-9

حمص الرستن استهداف المنازل والاهالي بالرشاشات الثقيلة 29-9

حمص الرستن الدمار الهائل الذي لحق بالابنية نتيجة القصف 30-9  هام

حمص الرستن الدمار الهائل الذي لحق بالابنية نتيجة القصف 30-9 ج2

حمص الرستن ابتسامة شهيد 30-9

حمص الرستن اثار القصف العشوائي للمدينه 30-9

حمص الرستن اثار القصف داخل المنازل 30-9

حمص الرستن احدى الدبابات في الازقة 1-10

حمص الرستن القصف العشوائي واعمدة الدخان 28-9

حمص الرستن الطائرات الزراعية ورش المواد السامة 3-10

حمص الرستن احتلال المنازل ونهبها 3-10ج1

حمص الرستن احتلال المنازل ونهبها 3-10ج2

حمص الرستن احتلال المنازل ونهبها 3-10ج3

حمص الرستن احتلال المنازل من الشبيحة والقناصة 1-10

حمص الرستن اطلاق النار على اي متحرك 29-9

حمص الرستن قصف عشوائي واعمدة الدخان 28-9

حمص الرستن القصف المدفعي 28-9 ج1

حمص الرستن القصف المدفعي 28-9 ج2

حمص الرستن واطلاق النار الكثيف 28-9

تحرك الجيش والشبيحه الى داخل مدينة الرستن في الاقتحام الاخير للمدينه

حمص الرستن بقايا احد دبابات الاسد 3-10

دبابات الهجوم على الرستن 27 9 2011

حمص الرستن 27-9 القصف العشوائي والكثيف لمباني والمنازل

تلبيسة -باصات الامن تخرج من المنطقة ومعهم المعتقلين

تلبيسة - المدرعات وناقلات الجند على الطريق العام

تلبيسة - احتراق احد المنازل على القلعة وقصف عنيف 2-10

تلبيسة - المدرعات تمشط الشوارع في المنطقة الجنوبية 3-10

تلبيسة - احد البيوت الامنة بعد اصابته ب 7 قذائف 1-10

؛: تلبيسة - حواجز الجيش وسط المدينة  عند البريد  5-10

تلبيسة - حرق المتورات في المدينة من قبل الامن 5-10

تلبيسة - احد البيوت بعد حرقه من قبل الامن 6-10
تلبيسة هام جدا قصف القلعة بالمدافع الثقيلة و الشيلكا30-9

تلبيسة - هام جدا - قصف على القلعة الساعة 11 ليلا 2-10
تلبيسة - الشهيد احمد عبد الاله الضحيك 1-10-2011 +18
فيديو اخر للشهيد يوضح اصابته بالرأس برصاص قناص
تلبيسة - احدى الدبابات تتجول في شوارع تلبيسة 3-10-2011
تلبيسة - قصف عنيف للقلعة و احتراق منازل ليلا 2-10
تلبيسة - ازمة الخبز وازدحام على الافران بسبب الحصار3-10

تلبيسة - اثر القصف والرش على المنازل في شارع الكرامة  3-10

تلبيسة - هام . منازل شبه مهدمة من أثر القصف العنيف6-10

تلبيسة - اصابة احد المنازل بقذيفة في وسط المنطقة 6-10

تلبيسة - اثر القصف على احد المنازل من الداخل 6-10-ج1

تلبيسة - اثر القصف والرصاص على منزل في الداخل 6-10-ج2

سرقة وكسر خزنة اموال من قبل الامن 7-10
تلبيسة - اثر القصف العنيف على القلعة في احد المنازل 6-10
تلبيسة - هام . منازل شبه مهدمة من أثر القصف العنيف6-10
تلبيسة - منزل واحد في القلعة تعرض لكل هذه القذائف 30-9
تلبيسة - احد المنازل بالقلعة المستهدفة بالقصف الشديد30-9
تلبيسة - احد البيوت بعد حرقه من قبل الامن 6-10
تلبيسة - اثر القصف والرصاص على منزل في الداخل 6-10-ج2
تلبيسة - اثر القصف على احد المنازل من الداخل 6-10-ج1
تلبيسة - اصابة مسجد ابو عبيدة ( القلعة ) بقذيفة 30-9
تلبيسة - طلقات الشيلكا المستخدمة في المنطقة بين يدي طفل
تلبيسة - منزل اصيب بقذيفة في القلعة 27-9-2011
تلبيسة - احدى القذائف التي استخدمتها عصابات الاسد 27-9
تلبيسة - منزل في القلعة بعد القصف الشدبد
تلبيسة - القذائف المستخدمة من قبل الجيش الاسدي 30-9
تلبيسة - اصابات للمنازل بالقذائف بشكل بالغ -30-9
تلبيسة - القصف على القلعة وتأذي المنازل بشكل كبير30-9
تلبيسة - اصابة بيت بأكثر من قذيفة أثر القصف الشديد 29-9
تلبيسة عيادة الدكتورة مرام قدورة بعد ان اصابها الامن22-9
تلبيسة - اصابة احد البيوت بالقصف واطلاق الرصاص صباح 21-9
تلبيسة - استهداف مأذنة مسجد عثمان بن عفان صباح 21-9
تلبيسة - قصف على المنازل واطلاق نار كثيف صباح 21-9
تلبيسة - استهداف مأذنة مسجد علي بن ابي طالب صباح 21-9ج1

جميع المهام 10/15/11 7:39 PM
حمص:جرائم الاسد ...جثة متفحمة بستان الديوان 10-9

حمص باباعمرو الشهيد انس محمد الرحمون 11-9 +18

مسرب حمص غزو الجيش لحي باباعمرو 11-5

أقبية التعذيب والإهانة - من هؤلاء نطلب الحماية

نبش قبور الشهداء

حمص الشهيد عامر كمال جنيات استشهد تحت التعذيب في المشفى العسكري 13 9 2011 ج1

مسرب حمص غزو الجيش لحي باباعمرو 10-9

تعذيب لمتظاهر اعتذر عن الكلام البذيء في الفيديو

الجيش السوري وتعاطي المخدرات

أثار الخراب في باب الدريب بعد اقتحام الحي7/9/2011

حمص حي عشيرة 3/9/2011 اعتقل لمدة ساعتين وكانت النتيجة

مؤلم جدا شهيد بقنبلة مسمارية باب الدريب 7/9/2011

قذيفة دبابة 6/9/2011 باب الدريب

قذيفة دبابة أمام جامع الحنابلة باب الدريب 6/9/2011

حمص اقتحام حي بستان الديوان 7-9-2011

جريح يتألم وهو ينقل من المشفى الميداني قبل مداهمة الأمن والشبيحة 7-9-2011

آثار استهداف جامع الحنابلة في باب دريب 7-9-2011

فيديو مسرب من احد الجنود يضهر فيه انتشار الجيش في حي من احياءمدينة حمص.

مدراس الأبناء لإعتقال الآباء-من هؤلاء نطلب الحماية

حمص دير بعلبة المدرعات تتجه لقمع المظاهرة أمام كلية البتروكيمياء 6-9-2011

الرستن ظهور عناصر كتيبة خالد بن الوليد

اعدام - فيديو مسرب

مقطع مسرب من أحد العساكر في حمص -

قوات عسكرية تتمركز داخل كلية البتروكيميا6-9-2011.3

حمص: مقطع مسرب ::: جديد  هام جدا
أرواح الناس للرهان والتسلية. من هؤلاء نطلب الحماية ج1

اعتقال شبان في الخالدية 5-9

حمص باب الدريب استهداف المساجد 5-9-2011 ج1

حمص باب الدريب استهداف المساجد 5-9-2011 ج2

حمص انتشار القناصة في حي باب تدمر 5-9-2011 ج1

حمص انتشار القناصة في حي باب تدمر 5-9-2011 ج2

حمص اقتحام حي باب الدريب 5-9 ج2

حمص اقتحام حي باب الدريب 5-9. ج1

حمص باب السباع انتشار القناصة على القلعة 9-5

حمص لحظة سقوط الشهيد عبدالهادي الدلاتي 5-9

هو النقيب جابر عيسى من مواليد القرداحة وهو خريج كلية مدرعات حمص وهو من مرتبات الفرقة الرابعة .

تعذيب المعتقلين

جنود من الجيش الاسدي يطلقون النار باتجاه المنازل

مقطع لاحتراق السيارة التي فجرها الشبيحة في حي الميدان بحمص  

صاحب السيارة ومدى اصابته

حي باباعمرو-قنابل ضريت على احدى البيوت من قبل قوات الامن.mp4

آثار القصف الهمجي - حمص باب الدريب 25 رمضان ج1

آثار القصف الهمجي - حمص باب الدريب 25 رمضان ج2
مقطع هام جدا قصف احد المنازل واصابة صاحب المنزل في حي جب الجندلي بحمص بتاريخ 24-8-2011 الساعة 12 ليلا

مسرب - اطلاق نار بعشوائية ودم بارد - حمص شارع الستين

حمص حواجز ومتاريس في مناطق متفرقة وبدقة عالية هذه كلاب بشار الجزء الأول

مظاهرة المدينة الجامعية ج1 19-8

مظاهرة المدينة الجامعية ج2 19-8

ضرب واعتقالات في صفوف الطلاب زغاريد من الشبيحات من الطالبات و هتافات من كلاب الامن ج1

ضرب واعتقالات في صفوف الطلاب زغاريد من الشبيحات من الطالبات و هتافات من كلاب الامن ج2

الحولة بعض الجرحى من اعتداء الأمن و الجيش على الآمنين 7-8-2011

حمص : من مجزرة مسجد خالد بن الوليد على موكب الشهداء19-7

21 8 Homs  حمص آثار دمار جامع باباعمرو

حمص باباعمرو اثار الدمار و التخريب بعد مداهمة المنازل في المنطقة23 08 2011

حمص - بابا عمرو - آثار الدمار على مسجد حمزة 8-5 ج2

حمص - بابا عمرو آثار الدمار والقصف 18-5-2011 .mp4

بابا عمرو ـ حمص آثار الدمار والخراب الذي لحق منزل الشيخ ادريس على يد الشبيحة 01 09 2011

بابا عمرو ـ حمص آثار الدمار والخراب الذي لحق منزل الشيخ ادريس على يد الشبيحة 01 09 2011جـ 2

22 8 Homs مص اثار الدمار في حي باباعمرو

من هنا مر التتار حمص-بابا عمرو ج1

باباعمرو اطلاق نار كثيف واستهداف المصور 25 9 2011

حمص - بابا عمرو - اطلاق نار على سيارة واستشهاد من فيها 10-8

اطلاق نار وانفجارات في حمص بابا عمرو 10 10 2011

حمص - باباعمرو - تصاعد دخان واطلاق نار عشوائي 20-9

حمص - بابا عمرو - إطلاق نار من أسلحة ثقيلة 1-8

حمص - تدمير في بابا عمرو 8 أيار.mp4

حي باباعمرو تخريب وحرق المحال التجارية 21 8 2011

LCC Update: Videos from Around Syria from October 18th

Compilation of Videos from October 18th

درعا : الحراك : الشهيد رافت خالد الديك
Daraa : Al-Herak : martyr : Raafat Khaled Al-Deek

درعا الحراك : الشهيد محمد عبد الحميد قداح
Daraa : Al-Herk : martyr Mohammad Abdalhameed Kadah

اطلاق الرصاص الكثيف في الحراك
Heavy gunfire in Herak,Daraa

الدمار في باب السباع في حمص
Destruction in Bab Sbaa in Homs

مظاهرة مسائية في حرستا
Night demo in Harasta

هجوم الدبابات على المتظاهرين في الحراك
Tanks attacking the protesters in Herak

مظاهرة مسائيه في القورية بدير الزور
Night demo in Qoriah in Deir Ezzor

حمص : مظاهرة في بابا عمرو
Homs : demo in Baba Amro

ادلب : مظاهرة في معرتمصرين
Idlib : demo in Martemsreen

دير الزور : مظاهرة في الطيانة
Deir Ezzor : demo in Al-Tayaneh

ريف دمشق :مظاهرة في زملكا
Damascus Suburbs : demo in Zamalka

مظاهرة مسائية في قامشلو
night demo in Qamishlo

ريف دمشق : مظاهرة في الزبداني
Damascus Suburbs : demo in Al-Zabadani

درعا : مظاهرة في تسيل
Daraa : demo in Tseel

مظاهرة مسائية في ادلب
night demo in Idlib

حلب : مظاهرة في عندان
Aleppo : demo in Andan

دير الزور : مظاهرة في شارع التكايا
Deir Ezzor : demo in Al-Takaya street

ريف دمشق : مظاهرة في سقبا
Damascus Suburbs : demo in Sakba

ريف دمشق : مظاهرة في داعل
Damascus Suburbs : demo in Daeel

درعا : مظاهرة في ام ولد
Daraa : demo in Om Walad

دمشق : مظاهرة في برزة
Damascus : demo in Barzeh

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Break News: Rally in Tahrir Square and in Front of Arab League HQ for Victory in Libya and Justice in Syria

Tomorrow, from 14:00 - 17:00, Egyptian, Libyan and Syrian freedom activists will hold a rally in Tahrir Square and also in front of the Arab League headquarters, Cairo, Egypt. The purpose of the rally is to celebrate the victory of the revolution in Libya and request from the Arab League that the same support given to the Libyan revolution be applied to the Syrian revolution as well. 

In recent weeks, there has been a growing chorus for the Arab League to at least freeze Syria's membership. Continuous pressure from both the international community and regional institutions to force the Assad regime from power, and to this end the protesters hope to pressure these regional institutions to help in this respect. 

Protesters expect and decent sized crowd to attend the protests and will have a live feed to broadcast the protest in front of the Arab League.

LCC Update: Roundup from Around Syria for Wednesday

Number of dead today in Syria reached at least 22, 18 from Homs, 1 each from Khan Shiekhoun in Idlib, Douma, Madaya, and Sarghaya and in Damascus Suburbs.

Damascus Province:
Damascus Suburbs:
Kafarbatna: Raids and random arrest campaign reached more than 15 people till now, random shooting and presence of soldiers from the Fourth Mechanized Division in the area.

Erbeen: Security forces shot at the mourners of the activist, the engineer Jaber Abdul Hadi and surrounded the cemetery. Security forces had abducted him after shooting a large amount of bullets at him yesterday. Two hours after his abduction, they reported his death. His body showed signs of brutal torture after it was handed over to his family today.

Daraya: Students' demonstration came out from many schools to meet in front of the house of martyr Gheyath Matar. The demonstrators chanted for him "we sacrafice our soul, our blood for you Gheyath."

Douma: Today, the security forces stormed the farmer people in the Rayhan and broke the doors of houses and destroyed their contents.

Homs Province:
City of Homs: heavy shooting and sounds of loud explosions continues until this moment in Bab Sabaa. Killing of 6 young men in Nazhen neighborhood when a garbage truck opened fire at random on the residents, the following names were confirmed:
1. Abduljabar Manzalgy
2. Abdulaziz Khudair
3. Nedal Sabagh
4. Kudair Fezo
5. Maher Rami

Qosair: Joseyeh: Killing of the three sisters: Nareman (17 years old), Ruba (11 years old), and Noor (15 years old) from Zoghby family in Qosiar when security forces and army shelled homes randomly following a defection in the ranks of the army in the city.

Rastan: Arrest of 30 people last night during scanning operations of the city by security and army amid heavy shooting from heavy machine-guns that continued throughout the night.

Qosair: Four killed today, two of the dead were identified as Abdul Qader Matar, and a martyr from Argoun family, after the heavy shooting that the city witnessed today after violent clashes between the regime's army and security with a whole defected battalion that tried to protect the people.

Talbeiseh: Heavy shooting from heavy machine-guns and Shilkas from many checkpoints especially the one in Karama street in the heart of the city, which is aiming at houses randomly, and from the checkpoint near the cultural center which targeted the minaret of Omar bin Khattab mosque.

Idlib Province:
Arrest of a student in the Faculty of Economics in Aleppo: Hosam Al-Sayed, from Binnish, Idlib, who has the U.S citizenship, at a barricade on the day he arrived from Aleppo.

Tartous Province:
Banyas: Security forces stormed Al-Shareeya School in response to the demonstrations that the students participated in at 3:52:56. A student demonstration started from the Suoq Alhal's school shouting for freedom and the toppling of the regime. The demonstration was dispersed by the security forces and arrested the student, Mostafa Mohamed Krom who is the eldest son in the family and his father is sick.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

LCC Update: Latest Videos from Around Syria

The following are the latest videos from around Syria for Wednesday.

محاصرة مشيعين الشهيد جابر عبد المهدي في مقبرة عربين
the mourners of martyr Jaber Abdul Mahdy are being surrounded in Erbeen cemetery

مظاهرة مسائية في كفرنبل
Night demo in Kafranbel

التدمير في القصير بحمص
Destruction in Qosair, Homs

مظاهرة مسائئيه في زملكا بريف دمشق
Night demo in Zamalka, Damascus Suburbs

مظاهرة مسائية في القوريه بدير الزور
Night demo in Qoriah, Deir Ezzor

مظاهرة مسائية في الحجر الأسود بدمشق
Night demo in Hajar Aswad, Damascus

مظاهرة في القصير رغم الحصار و القتل
Demo in Qosair despite the siege and the killing

مظاهرة مسائية في الحولة
Night demo in Hawleh

مظاهرة مسائية في حي القصور بحمص
Night demo in Qosor, Homs

تشيع الشهيد المهندس جابر عبد الهادي في عربين بريف دمشق
People of Erbeen mourn their Architect Jaber Abdulhadi

والدة الشهيدات تروي قصة استشهادهم
Mother of the 3 female martyrs telling the story

مظاهرة حاشده في جبل الزاوية ردا على المظاهرة المؤيده في حلب
Massive demo in Jabal Zawieh responding to the pro-regime demo in Aleppo

مظاهرة طلابية حاشدة في سراقب ردا على مظاهرة حلب المؤيده
Student demo in Saraqeb responding to the pro-regime demo in Aleppo

مظاهرة لطلابات دوما
Female Students demo in Douma

مظاهرة طلابية في حي الكرامة في حماه
Student demo in Karameh neighborhood in Hama

مظاهرة طلابية في طيبة الإمام بحماه
Student demo in Tebet Imam, Hama

مظاهرة طلابية في القارة بريف دمشق
Student demo in Qarah, Damascus Suburbs

مظاهرة طلابية في حاس, ادلب
Student demo in Hass, Idlib

مظاهرة طلابية في ادلب
Student demo in Idlib

اضراب عام في درعا
General strike in Daraa

LCC Update: Roundup from Around Syria for Tuesday

Today number of dead in Syria reached 12, 5 martyrs in Homs, 5 martyrs in Herak, Daraa, and one martyr each in Bokamal and Erbeen in the Damascus Suburbs.

Aleppo Province:
Andan: Evening demonstration chanting for the toppling of the regime and for it to be held accountable, and demanding the release of the detainees and knowing the fate of the kidnapped wounded by security.

Damascus Province:
Damascus Suburbs:
Zabadani: An evening protest took off from Al'Jisr towards the home of the martyr Seif Aldeen.

Harasta: Wired and cellular communications are still completely cut in the town.

Moadamyeh: Scattered gunfire was heard in the town today. Director and teachers of a female school forced security forces to retreat after they were trying to break into the school and assulted a teacher.

Saqba: The Assad Security and Army forces established six checkpoints along the road between Damascus and Saqba. These six checkpoints are at the Kamal Masharqa barracks in Al-Dabagat, Ain Tarma, the Saqba and Kafarbatna entrances from the Hizza direction about 200 meters before Al-Shalati station, Kafarbatna at the high school, the intersection for Al-Fateh hospital, and at the police stations. These checkpoints have lists of the names of wanted people, and identification cards are being inspected. heavy shooting and campaign of arrests and random raids amid deployment of security and army units. The village is now besieged by about 3,000 security and military troops because of a defection last Friday

Douma: A massive demonstration took place in Hijazyeh area despite the heavy security deployment in the city. Raid campaign of houses and farms happened today in more than one area of the town with heavy presence of military and security forces inside the town.

Deraa Province:
City of Deraa: Security forces deploy heavily in Alarba'een neighborhood conducting extensive searches on passers-by. Dead and wounded among security units and Shabiha in Deraa Balad,and Al-Sad neighborhood following violent clashes which took place today with soldiers who defected from the regime's army. Heavy gunfire in Deraa proper and the army has raided the Abu Bakr Mosque.

Al-Qusoor: A demonstration took off in the neighbhorhood chanting in solidarity with Al-Harak and calling for freedom and the toppling of the regime.

Al-Sabeel: Security and Shabida buses, along with 6 military vehicles are stationed behind Al-Mutafawiqeen school in the neighborhood.

Herak: The regime’s army tanks are shelling the town randomly. Security forces raid the house of Abdulhamid Al-Zamel and arrest two of his sons (Mo'awyah and Mohammad). Martyrdom of young Mohammad Abdul Hameed Al-Qaddah, Om Mohammad Al-Salamat and Jamal Qaddah, number of martyrs in the village today rose to 5 and more than 90 were injured some of them are in critical condition.

Taiba: Night demonstration chanting for Herak and for Deraa.

Nasib: A massive demonstration took off calling for freedom and chanting in solidarity with Al-Harak and other stricken cities.

Daeel: Around 40 busses loaded with security and thugs forces enter the town at AlKherba bridge area. All entrances of the town have been closed. Gunfire was heard in the town. Massive demonstration with the participation of more than 2,000 people took off from Al-Omary mosque chanting in support of Herak,and for the toppling of the regime.

Mosaifra: Security forces are storming Al-Mosaifra town now and shooting heavily on the evening demonstrations that came out in support of Hrak. There are many wounded by bullets of the Security forces, which stormed town. There's heavy gunfire, and Security forces are kidnapping the wounded from the streets. Authorities cut off electricity to the town after a massive night protest and security forces raiding of it.

Jasem: A massive demonstration in Jasem chanting for Hrak and Deraa. Security forces have attacked a protest and detained three protesters. Security forces were shooting heavily in Al-Gharby neighborhood

Inkhil: An arrest has taken place in front of the Omari Mosque, and people are chanting in solidarity with Hirak, Daraa, and the besieged cities.

Al-Yadouda: A massive demonstration is taking place; protesters are chanting in solidarity with Deraa and Hirak.

Maleeha Sharqiyah: Security Forces fired heavily at the night protest, which was in support of Herak and Deraa.

Deir Azzour Province:
City of Deir Ezzor: Night protest in Takaya Street chanting for all beseiged cities. Security forces have spread heavily around Alnoor hospital.

Hama Province:
City of Hama: State Security and Shabiha forces firing heavily in Gharb Al-Mashtal area near Al-Baladi stadium.

Heavy gunfire in Zowar area which lies between the towns of Taibet Al-Imam and Halfaya and news about military defections in the area. 3,000 demonstrators in Taibet Emam are chanting now for Homs and Daraa.

Security forces and the Shabiha attacked a nighttime demonstration in southern Malaab and conducting an arrest campaign among the protesters.

Hasakeh Province:
Amouda: Evening demonstration chanting for the toppling the regime and in solidarity with the besieged cities

Qamishli: A night demonstration chanting for Homs and Deraa.

Homs Province:
Security forces and Shabiha are shooting heavily to disperse a massive demonstration in Khaldiyeh neighborhood. Shooting in Bab Dreeb and demonstrations in Jooret Shayyah, Khaldieh and Qusoor. Injury of several people including a woman in her fifties, from heavy shooting and BMP shells in Deir Baaloba neighborhood, and deployment of sniper between Bayada and Deir Baaloba. Security and military reinforcements with support of armored vehicles headed towards the neighborhood of Baba Amr after violent clashes between defected soldiers and the state's forces. Security forces and Shabiha were shooting heavily to disperse a massive demonstration in Khaldiyeh neighborhood.

Many were injured in Bayada neighborhood from random shooting by security forces who are deployed at Bayada barricade. Injury of several people including a woman in her fifties, from heavy shooting and BMP shells in Deir Baaloba neighborhood, and deployment of sniper between Bayada and Deir Baaloba.

Qosair: wide security deployment in conjunction with heavy shooting from Sawamee barricade and Maslakh barricade, and cut electricity since early morning, security forces and Shabiha also put barricades around the area to prevent the people from roaming, and to confiscate and burn the motorcycles amid a campaign of sabotaging facilities and shops in the area, and cut all comunication ways in addition to raids campaign of the western villages of Qosair including Borhaneyeh, Heit and Safargeh. Ahmad Howash Abou Jabal was martyred due to security forces' heavy gunfire in the city. The victim's brother Ammar was arrested.

Idlib Province:
City of Idlib: Massive demonstration in the city heading towards the house of martyr Yamen Harmoush in housing for teachers, and chanting for Homs, Daraa, and the martyrs

Khan Sheikhoun: State Security and Shabiha forces firing heavily in town.

Maaret Masrin: More than 3,000 protesters are chanting for freedom and in solidarity with Idlib.

Sermeen: Heavy gunfire by the security forces in the town.

LCC Update: Videos from Around Syria for Tuesday

Videos from around Syria for Tuesday:

درعا : الحراك : الشهيد رافت خالد الديك
Daraa : Al-Herak : martyr : Raafat Khaled Al-Deek

درعا الحراك : الشهيد محمد عبد الحميد قداح
Daraa : Al-Herk : martyr Mohammad Abdalhameed Kadah

اطلاق الرصاص الكثيف في الحراك
Heavy gunfire in Herak,Daraa

الدمار في باب السباع في حمص
Destruction in Bab Sbaa in Homs

مظاهرة مسائية في حرستا
Night demo in Harasta

هجوم الدبابات على المتظاهرين في الحراك
Tanks attacking the protesters in Herak

مظاهرة مسائيه في القورية بدير الزور
Night demo in Qoriah in Deir Ezzor

حمص : مظاهرة في بابا عمرو
Homs : demo in Baba Amro

ادلب : مظاهرة في معرتمصرين
Idlib : demo in Martemsreen

دير الزور : مظاهرة في الطيانة
Deir Ezzor : demo in Al-Tayaneh

ريف دمشق :مظاهرة في زملكا
Damascus Suburbs : demo in Zamalka

مظاهرة مسائية في قامشلو
night demo in Qamishlo

ريف دمشق : مظاهرة في الزبداني
Damascus Suburbs : demo in Al-Zabadani

درعا : مظاهرة في تسيل
Daraa : demo in Tseel

مظاهرة مسائية في ادلب
night demo in Idlib

حلب : مظاهرة في عندان
Aleppo : demo in Andan

دير الزور : مظاهرة في شارع التكايا
Deir Ezzor : demo in Al-Takaya street

ريف دمشق : مظاهرة في سقبا
Damascus Suburbs : demo in Sakba

ريف دمشق : مظاهرة في داعل
Damascus Suburbs : demo in Daeel

درعا : مظاهرة في ام ولد
Daraa : demo in Om Walad

دمشق : مظاهرة في برزة
Damascus : demo in Barzeh

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Inside Source: Army Shells and Destroys a Mosque Deir Azzour

At least one person was killed today in clashes between protesters and security forces in the city of Deir Azzour. Ahmed Al'Khadir of Deir Azzour when he was shot in the chest by security forces. Activists from the city also report clashes between dissident soldiers of the Free Syria Army and security forces and there are also reports of casualties from this clash but it is not known how many were killed or wounded. A video uploaded today also shows the army shelling a mosque in the city of Deir Azzour, destroying at least the minaret of the building. 

LCC Update: Security Forces Continue Crackdown in Damascus Suburbs and Homs Governate

Damascus Province:
Damascus Suburbs:
Security and military forces are preventing children from reaching their schools in areas like Kafer Batna, Jisreen and Hamowria, the schools routine stopped completely in these areas today.

Hamowria: inspection houses and carding the farms around the city, heavy armored vehicles deployment, and the electricity is cut off.

Homs Province:
Qosair: wide security deployment in conjunction with heavy shooting from Sawamee barricade and Maslakh barricade. Electricity has been cut since early morning and security forces and Shabiha also put barricades around the area to prevent the people from roaming around. They also confiscate and burn the motorcycles amid a campaign of sabotaging facilities and shops in the area. Communications were also cut in addition to raids campaign of the western villages of Qosair including Borhaneyeh, Heit and Safargeh.

Inside Source: 32 People Were Killed Monday- 26 of Those People From Homs

The following is a list of those confirmed dead from today. All of the following people were confirmed killed in Homs Governate:

Martyr Mohammed Abdel Qader Kadeh / Jeb Al'Jendali /
2. Mohamed Al-Salem Tiyareh / Bab Sabaa /
3. Martyr Nizar Al'Talib/ Homs - Granada / under torture /
4. Mohamed Al-Samer Mando / Khalidiya /
5. Mohamed Al-Fadi Abdel Qader Kadeh / Bab Tadmour /
6. Martyr AbdulMuttaleb Al Sabbagh / Bab Sabaa /
7. Hero and Martyr Majid Hallaq / Bab Sabaa /
8. Martyr MohammedKhaled Albashan Al-Naimi 23 years old / Deir Balabeh / shot by a sniper
9. Martyr Sharif Kadeh / Door Al'Drieb /
10. Martyr Mohammed Abdul Rahman Abdeh / Door Al'Drieb /
11. martyr Daoud Suleiman Al Jassim / Valley Road /
12. Martyr Mahmoud Kaheel 50 years old / neighborhood Asheera /

13. Martyr Muhannad Al-Abdullah / Khalidiya
14. Mohamed Al-Khalid Al-Nasser 23 years old / Bayada / after gunshot wound to the chest
15. Martyr Ahmed Fajir Dabbi 65 years / Jobar / seat checkpoint was Guens Kvraia
16. Adnan Ghalyoun 55 years / Jeb Al'Jindali /
17. Martyr Moweed 17-year Foals / Lions Gate /
18. Martyr Akram Mustafa Mando / Khalidiya /
19. Martyr Abdullah Kamel Swedan / Khalidiya /
20. martyr Abeer Sheikh Al'Souq, 35 / Valley Street - Lions Gate / by the bombing of her home
21.martyr Omar Abdel-Hasib Tallawy, 24, / Bab Sabaa / kidnapped by the security gang and was tortured and killed in an abandoned house
22. Martyr Fadi pin / Khalidiya /
23. Martyr Malik Abdul Makhzoum / Bab Sabaa /
24. Martyr Jassim Afareh / Bab Sabaa /
25. Martyr Muti Hassan Abdel Sonbol 37 / neighborhood Al'Nazaheen /
26. martyr Ayham Beiruti / Door Al'Drieb /

1. الشهيد محمد عبد القادر كعدة / جب الجندلي /
2. الشهيد محمد سالم طيارة / باب السباع /
3. الشهيد نزار الطالب / ريف حمص - غرناطة / تحت التعذيب /
4. الشهيد محمد سامر مندو / الخالدية /
5. الشهيد محمد فادي عبد القادر كعدة / باب تدمر /
6. الشهيد عبدالمطلب الصباغ / باب السباع /
7. الشهيد البطل مجد حلاق / باب السباع /
8. الشهيد محمد خالد الباشان النعيمي 23سنة /ديربعلبة / برصاص قناص
9. الشهيد شريف كعدة / باب الدريب /
10. الشهيد محمد عبد الرحمن العبدة/ باب الدريب/
11. الشهيد داوود سليمان الجاسم / شارع الوادي/
12. الشهيد محمود الكحيل 50 سنة /حي عشيرة /
13. الشهيد مهند العبد الله / الخالدية /
14. الشهيد محمد خالد الناصر 23سنة / البياضة / إثر طلق ناري في الصدر
15. الشهيد فجر أحمد الضبي 65سنة / جوبر/ مقعد تم قنصه على حاجز كفرعايا
16. عدنان غليون 55سنة / جب الجندلي /
17. الشهيد مؤيد مهرات 17 عاما / باب السباع /
18. الشهيد أكرم مصطفى مندو / الخالدية /
19. الشهيد عبد الله كامل سويدان / الخالدية /
20. الشهيدة عبير شيخ السوق 35 عاما / شارع الوادي – باب السباع / جراء قصف منزلها
21. الشهيد عمر عبد الحسيب التلاوي 24 عاما / باب السباع / اختطف على يد العصابة الأمنية الاسدية وتم تعذيبه وقتله في بيت مهجور
22. الشهيد فادي دبوس / الخالدية /
23. الشهيد عبد المالك مخزوم / باب السباع /
24. الشهيد جاسم عفارة / باب السباع /
25. الشهيد عبد المعطي حسن سنبل 37/ حي النازحين /
26. الشهيد أيهم البيروتي / باب الدريب /

Analysis: Syrian Regime Wages Online War Against Opposition Activists

In the past 3 days hackers loyal to the Syrian regime have hacked and attacked numerous opposition activist Facebook profiles and pages which promote and help organize the Syrian opposition. I have recorded at least 4 Facebook pages and at least 9 Facebook profiles that have been hacked. I have also been told of another 4 profiles that have been hacked and am awaiting confirmation regarding their status. As the war on the ground wages on against the vastly peaceful uprising, an online war is also being waged to silence the activists who spend most of their waking hours alerting the world to the human travesty taking place in Syria. Without journalists on the ground to report on the situation or the presence of human rights groups or UN observers, there is literally no one left to witness the situation in Syria but these brave activists. 

From what sources have told me, it is highly likely that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard who have advisers present in Syria, are helping the regime track down and hack Facebook profiles, pages, twitters accounts and other social media mediums used by opposition activists. The information from these hacked accounts can be used to track down other activists, disable their account or worse, track them down in real life for arrest, torture and even execution. Every-time an activist has their account hacked, anyone who is friends with this person must de-friend them (if its Facebook), distance themselves digitally from said activist and go into hiding if necessary.

Two methods have emerged in which hackers loyal to the regime have used to take control of Facebook pages and profiles: 1) hacker hacks and takes control of the personal profile of an activist who is an administrator of an opposition Facebook page. Hacked profile is then used to expel all other administrators from the Facebook page, leaving the hacker in sole control of the Facebook profile and page; 2) hacker posts link of Facebook page wall which asks for a personal password from anyone who clicks on the link and is disguised as something that looks official from Facebook. The link is usually a "phishing" program which then steals the password and provides it to the hacker who can then take over said activist's profile.

In the beginning of the revolution many activists were tracked down and arrested by the regime because they were new to Facebook and other online social media. Activists have become much more sophisticated in their methods for remaining undetected as they navigate the digital world - and as a result so have the methods of the regime's online security apparatus. If the international community refuses to intervene in any serious way to ensure the safety of protesters, the least they can do is allow the activists on the ground who are risking their lives to report the news via all available social media platforms - free of interference. I urge all activists operating online to change their passwords and their online names frequently. Do not click any links pasted on your personal profile walls or on the walls of Facebook pages unless you can verify their authenticity and never enter your personal password into any links that request your personal password.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

LCC Update: Security Forces Storm City of Homs and Town of Binnish, Idlib

Homs Province:
City of Homs: the army and Security have stormed the Qoussour neighborhood via its eastern entrance while firing heavily.

Idlib Province:
Binish: The army and security forces have stormed the city amid gunfire, and reports of several injured.

LCC Update: Roundup from Around Syria for Wednesday-

Synopsis of Protests:
Most of Damascus Suburbs cities have witnessed evening demonstrations, where each of Douma, Harasta, Saqba, Erbeen, and Kafarbatna has witnessed demonstration chanted for toppling the regime and in solidarity with the besieged cities, evening demonstrations also came out in Hama and its suburbs (Kafarzeta and Taybet Emam), Homs as usual did not stop the evening demonstrations, which came out in most of its neighborhoods in addition to Hawleh, Ghota and Qosair, and the security responded by shooting in Bab Sbaa and Deir Baaloba. Also in Deir Ezzor and Daraa thousands demonstrated, and Hara town witnessed defection of a military group who clashed with the army to defend the peaceful demonstrators. Idlib and its suburbs witnessed massive demonstrations in each of Maaret Al-Nouman, Maarshoreen, Ihsem, Rami, Kafroma, Sermen, Bansh, and Kaleye, and the random arrest campaigns are still going in the governorate.

Aleppo Province:
Mare: Arrest of dozens of people today in a raid and arrest campaign that included many of the following people: Housain Al-Najar, Abd Al-Raheem Al-Hojy (65 years old), Lawyer Salah Al-Hojy who was released only a week ago, Abd Al-Rahman Al-Hojy, and Raeed Al-Hojy

Damascus Province:
Qaboon: Security forces fired heavy gunfire on the nighttime demonstrators.

Deir Ezzor Province:
City of Deir Azzour: Gunfire in most of the city neighborhoods specially in the Qosor area

Deraa Province:
Daeel: A nighttime demonstration started in Freedom Square but was violently dispersed by security forces. Many participants were arrested; among them Yaman Atifi, Hussam Walid Al-Asimi, and Mohamad Ahmad Aweir.

Homs Province:
City of Homs: Shooting near the police headquarters to terrorize the people and enforcement of a complete curfew in Qusoor neighborhood and siege, and shooting in Bab Amr and Bayada, random arrest campaign in Al-Akher. Heavy shooting is heard in Deir Baaloba with the strong sound of armored vehicles to the West of the neighborhood. Army and security also surrounded Deir Baaloba neighborhood and shot from heavy weapons.

Qosair: Heavy machinegun fire and anti-aircraft fire from security forces in the city.
Security forces deploy heavily on the road leading to Josiyeh border crossing on the Lebanese-Syrian borders near the city of Qosair

الجيش والامن في الرستن
Security and army in the Rastan

Idlib Province:
Saraqeb: Today a general strike took place. The city has been under siege and surrounded by Army and security forces since yesterday. Despite all the security, people have come out in a nighttime demonstration chanting for the toppling of the regime. Shooting by Shabiha in the southern neighborhood in the city occurred today.

Ahsam: A campaign of detentions and house raids occurred today.

Lattakia Province:
City of Lattakia: A student demonstration in the hundreds came out in Al-Ashrafeya neighborhood to claim the school principal who was arrested by the security forces after he resigned in protest at the storming of the school by Shabiha and assault on the students within it.

Tartous Province:
Banyas: Another student demonstration came out in Ibn Khaldun neighborhood after the end of the school day chanting for toppling the regime and for freedom.

LCC Update: Roundup of Videos Around Syria for Wedneday

Videos from Syria فيديوز من سوريا

مظاهرة نسائية في الكسوة للمطالبه بالمعتقلين
Women demo in Keswah demanding the release of the detainees

مظاهرة طلابية في تدمر
Student demo in Todmour

تشيع الشهيد الطفل علي المذبوح في خان شيخون
People of Khan Shaikhoun mourn their martyr the child Ali Madboh

مظاهرة طلابية في معرة حرمة في ادلب
Student demo in Mareet Harmeh, Idlib

مظاهرة بحي العسالي بدمشق
Demo in Assaly neighborhood in Damascus

مظاهرة في طيبة الإمام بحماه
Demo in Tebet Imam in Hama

مظاهرة طلابية في جرجناز
Student demo in Jarjanaz

مظاهرة في حرستا بريف دمشق
Demo in Harasta, Damascus Suburbs

مظاهرة طلابية في القارة بريف دمشق
Student demo in Qarah in Damascus Suburbs

مظاهرة في كفربطنا بريف دمشق
demo in Kafarbatna in damascus suburbs

مظاهرة بعربين بريف دمشق
Demo in Erbeen in Damascus Suburbs

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

LCC Update: Daily Roundup from Around Syria for Tuesday- 12 dead

Today number of martyrs reached 12, 9 in Homs and one each in Aleppo, Douma and Idlib.

Aleppo Province:
City of Aleppo: current sit-in of Aleppo lawyers in front of the office of the First Attorney General to protest against the arbitrary arrests carried out by the regime against the lawyers. Yasser Al Hafez is killed under torture, after a month imprisonment. His body was given to his family this morning, with the order to burry him immediately. He was burried 7 a.m. today. Today this morning, Owais Al Qarni mosque’s Imam, Sheikh Mahmood AL Madani, was arrested from his house in Salah Eldin neighborhood

Damascus Province:
City of Damascus: Sporadic shooting and explosions are heard in Qaboon neighborhood. Security forces conducted a raid campaign on homes, searching for activists. A demonstration went out from Hanableh mosque in Salhiyyeh after Maghreb prayer chanting to execute the president.

A brief demonstration went out this morning behind Medicine faculty in Damascus University, demonstrators left on the wall of the Iranian embassy project graffitis that read "Down Bashar!, The people want the National Council" and they dropped leaflets saluting revolutionists and martyrs, ten of shabiha collected them and torn them

Damascus Suburbs:
Domair: one person was shot, and the arrest of two others while security units were tracking activists. A large number of Shabiha and security deployed in the city this evening, and they're now launching campaign of raids on shops and homes with the inspection of the identity cards of passers-by.

Village of Sbaineh: A demonstration went out in Sbaineh village chanting to topple the regime and execute the president.

Deraa Province:
Ayham Ja'ooni, born in 1997, was arrested while leaving Motafaweqeen school for inciting children to demonstrate. The following is a picture of Ayham. His wherabouts are unknown and in light of past treatment of children by the regime, activists are very concerned about his safety.

Daeel: a demonstration of school pupils takes place. The army and the police are dispersing it and beating some pupils in front of Martyr Yasser Asmi Secondary School.

Hama Province:
City of Hama: A demonstration in Hamidyeh neighborhood took place, chanting for the martyrs and the besieged cities.

Al'Ghab Plain: Shooting took place in the village of Qastoon.

Hasakeh Province:
City of Qamishli: more than 20 security vehicles stormed the neighborhood of Arbawiyya earlier today and detained several elementary school sutdents. Their whereabouts are unknown. Earlier, students of elementary and vocational agricultural schools had participated in a demonstration after school dissmissal. Security forces also violently dispersed a night demonstration in Qaddorbek neighborhood.

Homs Province:
City of Homs: Tens of armored vehicles stormed Deir Baalouba neighborhood and are shooting heavily from anti-aircraft guns. Security forces renewed heavy and random shooting throughout the day, targeting anything that moves in the streets.

Approaching barricades is banned. Continuous shooting hasn't stopped for over 36 hours, connections, electricity, and water are cut since the same period. Security units are roaming the residential neighborhoods with ambulances and dressed in civilian clothes, and they're shooting at any moving target. The number of wounded is estimated in tens, and some of them are in dire need of medical care. Red Crescent cars are banned from entering the area.

Idlib Province:
Saraqeb: Heavy machineguns attacked the town. There is also heavy gunfire at the northern town entrance and a large military presence at the southern entrance. Military reinforcements in the south of Saraqeb and heavy deployment of army units towards Tarnabeh village.

Khan Sheikhoun: gunfire in Khan Sheikhoun occurred today.

Ihsem: Gunfire in Ihsem from heavy machineguns.

Koreen: A demonstration went out in Koreen with female participation chanting to topple the regime and for Tal Maloohi. The demonstration totalled five thousands demonstrators.

Tartous Province:
Village of Bayda: A student demonstration -after school dismissal- called for the toppling of the regime.

LCC Update: Roundup of Videos from Around Syria for Tuesday

The following is the latest roundup of videos from around Syria.

مظاهرة مسائيه في داعل
Night demo in Daeel

مظاهرة مسائية في الزبداني
Night demo in Zabadany

مظاهرة مسائية في مدينة ادلب
Night demo in the city of Idlib

مظاهرة مسائية بحي الجراجمة في حماه
Night demo in Jarajmeh neighborhood in Hama

مظاهرة براس العين في الحسكة
Demo in Ras Ain in Hasakah

مظاهرة مسائية في كورين, ادلب
Night demo in Koren, Idlib

مظاهرة مسائية في درعا
Night demo in Daraa

مظاهرة مسائية بحي القصور في حمص
Night demo in Qosor,Homs

مظاهرة مسائية في زملكا
Night demo in Zamalkha

مظاهرة مسائية في طيبة الإمام بحماه
Night demo in Tebet Imam,Hama

مظاهرة امام منزل الشهيد سيف الدين في الزبداني
Demo in front of the martyr Saif Edden's house in Zabadany

مظاهرة مسائية في الجسرين بريف دمشق
Night demo in Jeseren, Damascus suburbs

مظاهرة مسائية في حماه
Night demo in Hama

مظاهرة مسائيه في حي القدم بدمشق
Night demo in Qadam neighborhood in Damascus

مظاهرة في زملكا بريف دمشق
Demo in Zamalka Damascus Suburbs

مظاهرة لنساء و اطفال القصير
Women and Children demo in Qosair

مظاهرة مسائية في القورية بدير الزور
Night demo in Qoriah in Deir Ezzor

مظاهرة مسائية في كفرنبل بادلب
Night demo in Kafranbol

مظاهرة طلابية في داريا
Student demo in Daraya

مظاهرة طلابية في معرة النعمان
Student demo in Maret Noman

اعتصام محامو حلب
Lawyers of Aleppo sit-in

تشيع المجند احمد حديد في دوما
Douma mourn their martyr soldier Ahmad Hadid

اثار القصف في تلبيسه
Destruction in talbeseh

تدمير و الخراب في تلبيسة بحمص
Destruction and destroying the properties in Talbeseh

مظاهرة طلابية في احسم, ادلب
Student demo in Ihsem, Idlbi

مظاهرة طلابية في خربة غزالة بدرعا
Student demo in Kherbet Ghazaleh,Daraa

مظاهرة طلابية في الصنمين بدرعا
Student demo in Sanamen, Daraa

مظاهرة طلابية في الحولة
Student demo in Hawleh

LCC Update: Daily Roundup From Around Syria

At least 3 people were killed today around Syria.

Damascus Province:
City of Damascus:
Neighborhood of Hajar Aswad: Raid and arrest campaign took place followed by looting after a demonstration went out in the neighborhood despite the security siege.

Damascus suburbs:
Zamalka: Night demonstration went out chanting for the besieged cities and the martyrs.

Douma: Massive demonstration marched from the Northern mosque chanting to topple the regime and in solidarity with the Homs and all the besieged cities and in loyalty to the martyrs.

Madaya: Massive demonstration marched from the Northern mosque chanting to topple the regime and in solidarity with the Homs and all the besieged cities and in loyalty to the martyrs

Deraa Province:
City of Deraa: A demonstration went out in Awsat street demanding the release of activist Murad Abu Zaid and all detainees of the revolution.

Daeel: Female demonstration went out after Asr prayer in Martyr Yaser Asmi square, they chanted for the toppling of the regime and to release detainees and Murad Abu Zaid. Also the following doctors were arrested: Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Nashi, Ya'ruf Al-Haj Alia and Ahmad Abdulmone'm Abazid after they were called to security office. A massive demonstration also went out near house of the arrested activist Murad Abu Zaid chanting for freedom and saluting his mother.

Nemer: A massive demonstration went out chanting for Homs and demanding to prosecute the president

Hama Province:
City of Hama: A large demonstration took off from Al-Masood mosque and headed to the city center. It chanted in solidarity with the besieged cities and called for international protection despite heavy security presence.

Morek: Martyrdom of Ahmad Mohammad Rashad Al-Ibrahim by wounds he got from shooting in 30-9-2011.

Hasakeh Province:
Qamishli: A demonstration in Helaleyah near Qasmo mosque ends with condolence tent for martyr.

Homs Province:
City of Homs:
Around 6 am: Sporadic bursts from machine-guns accompanied by the arrival of reinforcements of tanks and armored personnel carriers to Bab Sbaa neighborhood, heavy deployment of security and military forces in the entrances of neighborhoods of Bayada, Khaldieh and Qusoor accompanied by large numbers of shabiha.

Around 7:30 am: Large numbers of military and security forces entered neighborhoods of Bayada and Khaldieh accompanied by armored vehicles which were deployed in the streets and even alleys, the area is totally surrounded from all sides: Setteen street from the bus station to Ashireh neighborhood, Abbasieh, Bab Tadmur, Cairo street and Zeer street. Water, electricity, mobile networks and landlines were cut off.

Heavy shooting in Qusoor neighborhood and near Matahen square and reports of injuries. A demonstration went out in Bab Sbaa neighborhood and was faced with live ammunition from security forces. Night demonstrations started in neighborhoods of Bab Hood and Baba Amr saluting the besieged neighborhoods of Homs. Shooting in Ghouta neighborhood and reports of injuries. Heavy shelling and heavy shooting with many kinds of machineguns and anti-aircraft affects the neighborhoods of Bayada, Qusoor, Masaken Al-Taamenat, and Khaldiyeh, which just witnessed two huge explosions.

Rastan: Raid campaign in gardens area and arrest of Sua'ad Wardeh, 50 years old, and 3 of her sons. Martyr First Lieutenant Ahmed Khalaf's family got today his corpse, 24 corpses are still in the National Hospital and Military Hospital in Homs. 10 corpses are in vegetable refrigerators in Homs.

Idlib Province:
Rami: Storming of Rami village, heavy shooting and random arrests.
City of Idlib: Shabiha are shooting at demontrators near Mutanabbi square and reports of injuries.

Turkish borders: Ain Al-Bayda: Martyrdom of Haitham Asfar (Abu Hamzeh), he was from Idlib and lived in Lattakia, born in 1976.

Kelli: A night demonstration went out from Ali bin Abi Taleb mosque demanding international protection and chanting for the besieged cities

Ibdita: more than 5,000 demonstrators are calling for the overthrow of the regime despite heavy security presence.

Monday, October 10, 2011

LCC Update: Roundup of Videos From Around Syria

Videos from Syria فيديوز من سوريا
مظاهرة طلابية في انخل
Student demo in Inkhel

مظاهرة في حلب امام كراج البولمان
Demo in Aleppo in front of the martyrs bus station

تشيع الشهيد احمد الإبراهيم في مورك حماه
People of Morek, Hama mourn their martyr Ahmad Ibrahim

مظاهرة طلابية في جرجناز
Student demo in Jarjanaz

مظاهرة طلابية في حماه
Student demo in Hama

مظاهرة طلابية في القورية بدير الزور
Student demo in Qoriah in Deir Ezzor

اعتصام نساء دوما للمطالبه بالمعتقلين
Women sit-in demanding the release of the detainees

تشيع الشهيد اسامة الطالب بحمص
People of Homs mourn their martyr Osama Taleb

مظاهرة في دوما
Demo in Douma

Invading Khaldiah neighborhood in Homs
اقتحام حي الخالدية في حمص

مظاهرة نسائية في داعل
Women demo in Daeel

حمص : مظاهرة في القصور
Homs : demo in Al-Kosor

مظاهرة في حماة
Demo in Hama

دمشق : مظاهرة في الميدان نصرة لقامشلو
Damascus : demo in Midan in support of Qamishlo
حمص ديربعلبة ::إصابة شاب بطلق ناري بالرقبة

مظاهرة حاشدة بادلب , Idleb

مظاهرة مسائية في بلدة معرشورين Maar shoreen , Idleb

القورية _ دير الزور Deir Ezzor

دمشق: الحجر الأسود
Damascus: Alhajar Alaswad

مظاهرة حاشدة في ادلب
mass demo in Idleb

ريف دمشق : مظاهرة في قارة
Damascus Suburbs : demo in Qara

ريف دمشق : مظاهرة مسائية في سقبا
Damascus Suburbs : night demo in Sakba

حمص : مظاهرة مسائية في الحولة
Homs : night demo in Al-Hawleh

مظاهرة مساية في تدمر
night demo in Tadmour

دير الزور Deir Ezzor

جبل الزاوية Jabal Zawieh

سرمين Sermin

اطلاق نار في ادلب Gun fire in Idleb

طيبة الإماما حماه

Hama ,حماه

Daraa Herak الحراك

Hzano , Idlebحزانو

حمص Homs
حمص القصور أطلاق نار كثيف. ...

مسائية باباعمرو وجورة العرايس

مسائية القصور

مسائية الغوطة

مسائية الشماس

مسائية جورة الشياح

مسائية جب الجندلي

مسائية الانشاءات

مسائية القرابيص

مسائية الوعر

مسائية باب هود

مسائية القصير

مسائية الحولة

مسائية تدمر

LCC Update: " Homs, the Revolution Will not Die out, Neither by Fire nor by Siege"

Press released regarding the continuous siege of Homs province.

Homs, the Revolution Will not Die out, Neither by Fire nor by Siege

Since the revolution was sparked almost 7 months ago, Homs has not been able to repose. Day in and day out, it has been offering martyrs, more than third of the total revolution martyrs, sacrificed for the freedom of Syria. The last several days have seen a major escalation by the regimes’ security forces, army and Shabbiha against the city residents aimed at extinguishing the burning embers of the revolution. The brutal military assault was no sooner finished in Rastan on October 3rd leaving more than 100 martyrs, 2000 detainees, unprecedented destruction of private properties and more thant half of the city residents evacuated, than the killing machine moved to Talbiseh. It subjected Talbiseh to suffocating siege, which resulted in severe shortage of medicines, food staples and other basic life necessities. The campaign was expanded to all town neighborhoods with more security and military checkpoints were set up which further humiliated the residents. The daily military and security assault was then escalated even further on residents of the governate, and its towns and villages. It impacted people’s well-being and interfered with the unity of the community by instigating sectarian strife by committing targeted assassination of prominent academic figures with marked social presence and kidnapping and hiding girls, killing under torture, arrests and raids on homes, intimidation and terrorizing innocent citizens.

Our activists managed to document names of 180 martyrs who fell in Homs during September and 73 names of martyrs who fell in the first 9 days of current October.
Yesterday (Sunday 9-10-2011) the city lived an atmosphere of true war as sounds of explosions were heard in all areas caused by bombs, rocket-propelled grenades, nail and stun grenades, accompanied by heavy shooting from all kinds of machine-guns and anti-aircraft weapons (Dushka and Shilka), many houses were partially destroyed in neighborhoods of Bab Sbaa, Nazeheen and Karm Zaitoon, resulting 9 matters and dozens of injuries many of them are in critical condition, security forces and shabiha prevented ambulance and Red Crescent cars from providing medical aid for people, which is what constitutes flagrant violation of all norms and relevant international conventions.
Local Coordination Committees in Syria considers this vicious attack at Homs another desperate attempt by the regime to kneel its free people and to put down there using all means for killing and oppression the regime has.

As Local Coordination Committees in Syria salutes the courage of our people in Homs and whole Syria and their steadfastness, sacrifice and determination to move firmly towards the goals of the revolution to topple the regime and establish a pluralistic democratic civilian regime, it appeals to the international community and civil organizations to move quickly to assume their responsibilities in order to condemn the crimes committed against humanity, and work seriously to pressure it to stop such crimes against the Syrian people aspiring for freedom, dignity and citizenship, and take the necessary measures to take its officials to international justice.

Victory of our revolution and compassion to our martyrs
Local Coordinating Committees in Syria

For more information you can call the spokesperson of the LCC
Hozan Ibrahim

قصف احد احياء حمص
Shelling one of the neighborhood in Homs

اثار القصف على المنازل بحي باب السباع في حمص
Destroying one of the houses in Bab sbaa, Homs

حمص - مصاب برصاص متفجر في الخاصرة
Homs - A side wounded with an explosive bullet

حمص - مصاب جراء إطلاق النار العشوائي
Homs - A wounded person due to random shooting

Homs: Martyr Nazih Alshawwa 09-10-2011
حمص - الشهيد نزيه الشوا 09-10-2011

حمص - مصاب برصاص متفجر في الفخذ
Homs - a thigh wounded with an explosive bullet

LCC Update: A Lawyer is Denied Entry to Jordan

The following is a press release from LCCS regarding concern over Jordan's treatment of refugees fleeing Syria.

A Lawyer is Denied Entry to Jordan

In August 2011, Mohamad Issa, a legal activist and the official spokesperson for the Committee of Syrian Lawyers for Freedom, was denied entry to Jordan as he was returning from Turkey. He was attempting to complete his humanitarian task of reviewing cases of Syrian refugees in neighboring countries and documenting their testimonies, after having co-founded an organization committed to justice and human rights. During his stay in Jordan, Mr. Issa took the testimonies of several refugees and was in contact with international rights and media organizations in the quest to expose Syria’s criminal and illegitimate regime. Mr. Issa violated no Jordanian laws during his stay, and was in good standing with Jordanian authorities.

On September 21, 2011, Mr. Issa departed to Cairo on legal business, specifically to file a lawsuit against the Syrian satellite news channel Addounia. He booked a round-trip ticket from the Kingdom of Jordan with no problems. However, upon his return to Amman, Jordan on October 7, he was detained and questioned by authorities at Queen Alia Airport in an interrogation room from 2:00 am to 1:00 pm. At that point, he was pronounced “unwanted” in Jordan and forced to return to Cairo. Mr. Issa had requested to go to Turkey, but Jordanian authorities refused his request, indicating that the alternative was to return to Syria, where he would await an unknown fate at the hands of the very security forces he was investigating.

We, the Committee of Syrian Lawyers for Freedom, are taken aback by Jordan’s position on this issue, as well as the issue of other activists who fled the oppression of the Syrian Regime in hopes of finding safe haven in Jordan, but have been interrogated and closely followed by the Jordanian Intelligence officers.

The Committee of Syrian Lawyers for Freedom calls on the Jordanian authorities to abide by its humanitarian principles with regard to Syrian refugees and dissidents fleeing from the Syrian regime’s oppressive and criminal behavior, displayed since the beginning of the Revolution. We urge the Jordanian authorities to refrain from deporting or denying entry to these victims as long as they abide by Jordanian laws, and to refrain from colluding with the Syrian regime.

The Committee of Syrian Lawyers for Freedom
October 10, 2011

ْFor more information please call the spokesperson of the Syrian Lawyer
Lawyer Mohammad Issa

Sunday, October 9, 2011

LCC Update: Shabiha Attack Nightly Demonstration in Idlib

Idlib Province:
Idlib City: 15 wounded including children when shabiha shot at the nightly demonstration in the town. Shabiha thugs also wrecked the pharmacy of Anas Sayed Issa. At the moment, security members are patrolling the houses of those shabiha to protect them from the angry reaction of the people of the town.

Saraqeb: Heavy machine-guns fixed on tanks positioned in Aleppo-Damasscus road are firing at the city of Saraqeb, shabiha buses are being deployed on Abi Duhoor bridge

Damascus Province:
Damascus Suburbs:
Douma: A mass demonstration now in Qouatli, Jalaa and Khoursheed Streets following security forces withdrawal to the main external security checkpoints.

Deir Ezzor Province:
City of Deir Azzour: Heavy gunfire in the Old Kornish Street, Jbeileh market, Naher Street and Hasan Taha Street.

Homs Province:
City of Homs: Heavy gunfire and sounds of explosions in most of the city boroughs.

LCC Update: Roundup from Around Syria for Sunday- 18 Dead

The number of dead today in Syria reached 18, Nine in Homs ,four in Dumair in Damascus Suburbs they are all from the family of martyr Mohammad Al Saegh, one martyr each in Hasakeh, Hama, Lattakia, Daeel and in Zabadany in Damascus Suburbs.

Aleppo Province:
Izaz: A demonstration chanting for toppling the regime.

Bab: Abdel Qader Ibrahim Al-Na'asani has been arrested again, less than one week after his release

Damascus Province:
City of Damascus: Shooting tear-gas grenades on demonstrators near Zain Al-Abedeen School. Student demonstration started from Tawhedy school in Zaherah neighborhood.

Kafarsouseh: Evening demonstration in Halaleh area chanting for Douma, Doumair, and all the besieged cities.

Midan: A demonstration took off in front of the Mahayni Hospital and headed towards Abu Habl. It was faced by security forces who used tear gas to disperse it.

Damascus Suburbs:
Dumair: The air intelligence conducting a massacre against martyr Mohammad Al Saegh’s Family after his killing by the security gunfire yesterday. They killed his father and his grandfather and two of his uncles. This happened when the family was trying to prevent them from kidnapping the martyr's corpse a while after it was delivered to the family.
The martyrs are:
Ahmed Orabi, the martyr Mohammad Al Saegh’s grandfather
Abdulqader Al Saegh, the martyr father
Mohammed Ahmed Orabi, the martyr uncle
Yasser Ahmed Orabi, the martyr uncle
More than 50 people were arrested from the area and Al Dounia TV (belong to Syrian government) came to film and they forced some of the detainees to say that the armed gangs conducted this massacre.

Harasta: Campaign of raid and arbitrary arrests accompanied by gunfire.

Deraa Province:
Daeel: Arrest campaign along with deployment of military machines and security teams in the main road, and the northern road, people identified of the detainees were: Anas Alian Jamous and Anas Nezar Jamous. 4 people were seriously injured during shooting at demonstrators in streets of Awsat and Shamali.

Evening demonstrations in each of the following place: Herak, and Kherbet Ghazaleh chanting for Daeel and the Syrian besieged cities.

Daeel: a demonstration came out in Al-Awsat street and it was faced by heavy shooting by the security forces.

Gunfire from the two barricades on the roundabout and on Ibta’a, the activist Murad Abu Zaid was arrested.

The demonstrators conducting a sit in on Daraa- Daeel road between the barricades protesting for the arrest of Murad Abu Zaid, sounds of heavy fire.

Sanmayn: demonstration chanting for the besieged cities and asking for the fall of the regime.

Deir Azzour Province:
City of Deir Azzour: Heavy gunfire near the courthouse, and surrounding the Jisr Cafe following a demonstration in the neighbourhood. Heavy gunfire in the Old Kornish Street, Jbeileh market, Naher Street and Hasan Taha Street.

Hama Province:
Village of Kafanabuda: Heavy shooting from heavy weapons.

City of Hama: Demonstrations in the neighborhoods of Qusoor, Gharb Mashtal, Hamedyeh, Saboneyeh, Hader, and Aleppo road (Tareeq Aleppo) chanting for freedom, and for the martyrs.

Kafarzeta: A demonstration with more than 2,000 demonstrators, the security dispersed it and arrested some of the demonstrators.

Hasakeh Province:
City of Hasakeh: A demonstration near Sofia mosque in Mofty neighborhood with Kurdish Arabian participation chanting for toppling the regime.

Amouda: The demonstrators break into Baath Party's building and police officers shut the doors of the station on themselves.

Qamishli: Two demonstrations: the first is accompanying the funeral procession of Martyr Hasan Moustapha and the second is in the western area.

Homs Province:
City of Homs: Heavy shooting in the neighborhoods of Mrejah, Bab Sbaa, and Nazeheen, in conjunction with electricity cut on some of the streets of Bab Sabaa.

Killing of young men Mohammad Dhaher in Nazeheen neighborhood due to random gunfire by security forces and Adnan Rahmo in Khaldieh, by security forces snipers bullets. Shooting in most neighborhoods of Homs and explosions in Bab Sbaa, Fakhora, Bab Dreb, and Bab Tadmur neighborhoods in a cut of cell communnications on many neighborhoods of them.

Four martyrs and dozens of wounded in an attack conducted by the security forces and the army with tank mortars and heavy machine guns on Karam Al Zeitoun neighborhood. Demonstrations in Qusour, Khaldieh and Bab Darb neighborhoods chanting for the fall of the regime.

Rastan: Arrest campaign in Al-Mozaree area to the east of the city.

Hawla: Mass demonstration chanting for Homs and Qamishli.

Idlib Province:
City of Idlib: Heavy gunfire at protestors near Mutanabi Secondary School.

Villages of Barra and Rami: Gunfire is heard in the villages.

Heavy gunfire in all the towns of Saraqeb, Neirab, Jabal and Mastoomeh.

Ihsem: Heavy shooting from heavy weapons and the shelling is reaching some homes

Sermin: More than 2000 demonstrators in the village chanting for the martyrs and to topple the regime.

Lattakia Province:
City of Lattakia: A demonstration in Kneinis area chanting for toppling of the regime, faced by heavy security presence and a detention campaign.

Tartous Province:
Banyas: Arrest of Ahmed Mohammad Sahyoni and Maher Abdullatif Sahyoni from their work place by military security. Security forces released of the detainees Ahmed and Maher Sahyoni after a women's sit-in that took place in front of the state security branch.