Death toll in
Syria in the Friday of "Victory for Sham and Yemen" has reached 23, 12
are from Homs province ( Homs city , Rastan , Talbiseh), 6 in
Hama and suburbs, 3 in Douma and Darayya in Damascus Suburbs, and one
in each from Idlib and Deraa.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Breaking News: Opposition Inches Closer to Concensus
Press release from the LCCs:
"After meetings that lasted for two days, which was with the participation of the forces of Damascus Declaration, the Muslim Brotherhood, the temporary administration authority of the Syrian National Council (SNC), a number of forces and Kurds partys, the Assyrian Organization, the General Authority of the Syrian revolution, the Local Coordination Committees, the Supreme Council of the Syrian revolution, and Dr.Burhan Ghalyon. It was agreed on forming the National Council on the basis of equal participation .. The final composition will be announced in a manifesto that will be issued during the next two days."
"After meetings that lasted for two days, which was with the participation of the forces of Damascus Declaration, the Muslim Brotherhood, the temporary administration authority of the Syrian National Council (SNC), a number of forces and Kurds partys, the Assyrian Organization, the General Authority of the Syrian revolution, the Local Coordination Committees, the Supreme Council of the Syrian revolution, and Dr.Burhan Ghalyon. It was agreed on forming the National Council on the basis of equal participation .. The final composition will be announced in a manifesto that will be issued during the next two days."
LCC Update: Security Forces Open Fire on Demonstration in Qamishli
Hasakeh Province:
City of Qamishli: 6 were wounded a night demonstration after security forces opened fire.
A few extra videos from Deraa....
الحارة في درعا
Harrah, Daraa
City of Qamishli: 6 were wounded a night demonstration after security forces opened fire.
A few extra videos from Deraa....
الحارة في درعا
Harrah, Daraa
LCC Update: 13 Dead Today, 7 of the Casualties in Homs
Number of casulaties today in Syria reached 13: 7 in Homs, 2 in Kafarzeta in Hama Suburbs, 2 in Qedsaya, Damascus Suburbs 1 each in Douma and Damascus.
Homs Province:
Rastan: Shortage of water, food and medication in the city. Appeals for blood donations have been raised. Necessary medical assistance seems to be lacking due to continuous raid and arrrest campaigns, and the ongoing artillery shelling on the city coming from the Rastan dam and big bridge (eastern part).
Idlib Province:
Kafr Awid: The army has raided the town using BMP vehicles. This morning, three personnel carriers moved from Kafr Nabl toward Kafr Awid.
Damascus Province:
Qudsaya: Security forces are conducting an arrest campaign throughout the town, and have arrested Hamido Razma for the second time.
More videos from Syria فيديوز من سوريا
الميدان في قلب العاصمة دمشق
Medan in the heart of Damascus
داريا في ريف دمشق
Daraya, Damascus Suburbs
قدسيا في ريف دمشق
Qedsaya, Damascus Suburbs
عربين, ريف دمشق
Erbeen, Damascus Suburbs
حلب, مارع
Aleppo, Marey
الصنمنين, درعا
Sanameen, Daraa
إدلب: معرة النعمان
Idlib: Maaret Al-Nouman
ريف دمشق: سقبا
Damascus Suburb: Saqba
ريف دمشق: الزبداني
Damascus Suburb: Zabadany
ريف دمشق: كناكر
Damascus Suburb: Kanaker
حمص: مظاهرات تلكلخ
Homs: demos in Talkalakh
حماه: قلعة المضيق
Hama: Almadieq castle demos
ريف دمشق: مظاهرة زملكا
Damascus Suburb: demos in Zamalka
مظاهرات عربين بريف دمشق
Demos in Erbeen in Damascus Suburb
ريف دمشق: مظاهرة قدسيا
Daamscus Suburb: demos in Qudsaia
حمص: مظاهرة تدمر
Homs: Tadmour' demos
حمص: مظاهرات حي الإنشاءات
Homs: demos in Alinshaat neighborhood
الأمن يحاصر جامع بجبلة
Security forces besieging a mosque in Jableh
إدلب: مظاهرة كفرنبل
Idlib: demos in Kafranbel
درعا: مظاهرة بصرى الشام
Daraa: Busra Alsham demos
حمص: الغوطة
Homs: Ghouta
إدلب: مظاهرة بنش
Idlib: Binnish demos
حلب: مظاهرة مدينة عندان
Aleppo: Anadan city demo today
حلب - عندان
Aleppo: Andan
Homs Province:
Rastan: Shortage of water, food and medication in the city. Appeals for blood donations have been raised. Necessary medical assistance seems to be lacking due to continuous raid and arrrest campaigns, and the ongoing artillery shelling on the city coming from the Rastan dam and big bridge (eastern part).
Idlib Province:
Kafr Awid: The army has raided the town using BMP vehicles. This morning, three personnel carriers moved from Kafr Nabl toward Kafr Awid.
Damascus Province:
Qudsaya: Security forces are conducting an arrest campaign throughout the town, and have arrested Hamido Razma for the second time.
More videos from Syria فيديوز من سوريا
الميدان في قلب العاصمة دمشق
Medan in the heart of Damascus
داريا في ريف دمشق
Daraya, Damascus Suburbs
قدسيا في ريف دمشق
Qedsaya, Damascus Suburbs
عربين, ريف دمشق
Erbeen, Damascus Suburbs
حلب, مارع
Aleppo, Marey
الصنمنين, درعا
Sanameen, Daraa
إدلب: معرة النعمان
Idlib: Maaret Al-Nouman
ريف دمشق: سقبا
Damascus Suburb: Saqba
ريف دمشق: الزبداني
Damascus Suburb: Zabadany
ريف دمشق: كناكر
Damascus Suburb: Kanaker
حمص: مظاهرات تلكلخ
Homs: demos in Talkalakh
حماه: قلعة المضيق
Hama: Almadieq castle demos
ريف دمشق: مظاهرة زملكا
Damascus Suburb: demos in Zamalka
مظاهرات عربين بريف دمشق
Demos in Erbeen in Damascus Suburb
ريف دمشق: مظاهرة قدسيا
Daamscus Suburb: demos in Qudsaia
حمص: مظاهرة تدمر
Homs: Tadmour' demos
حمص: مظاهرات حي الإنشاءات
Homs: demos in Alinshaat neighborhood
الأمن يحاصر جامع بجبلة
Security forces besieging a mosque in Jableh
إدلب: مظاهرة كفرنبل
Idlib: demos in Kafranbel
درعا: مظاهرة بصرى الشام
Daraa: Busra Alsham demos
حمص: الغوطة
Homs: Ghouta
إدلب: مظاهرة بنش
Idlib: Binnish demos
حلب: مظاهرة مدينة عندان
Aleppo: Anadan city demo today
حلب - عندان
Aleppo: Andan
LCC Update: Videos from Demonstrations Today
مظاهرة في القورية بدير الزور
Demo in Qoriah in Deir Ezzor
مظاهرة حي العسالي في دمشق
Demo in Assaly, Damascus
ريف دمشق, دوما
Douma, Damascus Subrubs
دمشق: مظاهرة بحي القدم
Damascus : demo in Alqadam nieghbourhood
عرطوز, ريف دمشق
Artouz, Damascus Subrubs
مظاهرة عامودا
a demo in Amouda
دمشق: القدم
Damascus, Qadam
دمشق الحجر الأسود
Damascus , Hajar Aswad
دمشق مظاهرة كفرسوسة
Damascus, a demo in Kafarsouseh
راس العين , الحسكة
Ras Alein, Hasakeh
حمص, حي باب هود
Homs, a demo in Bab Houd neighborhood
درعا: مظاهرة عتمان
Daraa: demos in Auttman
مظاهرة دير الزور
Demo in Dier Ezzor
بصرى الشام
Busra Al Sham
حلب - عندان
Aleppo: Andan
حلب: مظاهرة مدينة عندان
Aleppo: Anadan city demo today
إدلب: مظاهرة بنش
Idlib: Binnish demos
حمص: الغوطة
Homs: Ghouta
درعا: مظاهرة بصرى الشام
Daraa: Busra Alsham demos
إدلب: مظاهرة كفرنبل
Idlib: demos in Kafranbel
LCC Update: Latest From Around Syria Today- Protests in Aleppo Province
Aleppo Province:
Mare: A demonstration marched in the city chanting to topple the regime and in solidarity with the besieged cities.
Tal Rifaat: A demonstartion set out in the region calling for the toppling of the regime.
Andan: A demonstration came out in Andan calling for the toppling of the regime, despite security forces continuing their blockade on the area.
Damascus Province:
City of Damascus: A demonstration in Al-Ghawas street in Medan neighborhood and another one in Zain Al-Abdeen mosque in Zahra street.
Daraya: A demonstration marched from Osama mosque and another one from Abu Edris Al Khoulani mosque chanting to topple the regime despite the heavy security presence.
Douma: Gunfire toward demonstrations which marched from several mosques after Friday prayers.
Homs Province:
City of Homs: Shooting from heavy machine guns placed on tanks on the demonstrators in Ashira neighbourhood. Three thousand people in Bayada neighborhhood demonstrated, chanting in support of Rastan and demanding for the toppling of the regime.
Qusair:3000 demonstrators chanting to topple the regime and in solidarity with the besieged cities
Deraa Province:
Nemer: A demonstration occurred in the city calling for the toppling of the regime.
Harra: More than 2000 demonstrators chanting to topple the regime.
Lattakia Province:
City of Lattakia: hundreds demonstrate in Qnenis, and the security forces disperse a gathering while trying to demonstrate near Al-Bazar mosque, and arrest one of the people there, while the security forces and Shabiha are surrounding the mosque of Omar Bin Al-Khattab and Touraify in the neighborhoods of Segen, Ghareeb, and Fatahy in Salebyeh neighborhood and Homsain in Mashroaa Al-Salyybiyeh.
Hama Province:
Kaferzita: Killing of Abdulatif Al Bakour due to the heavy gunfire from security forces.
Idlib Province:
Saraqeb:A mass demonstration chanting for freedom and toppling of the regime.
Mare: A demonstration marched in the city chanting to topple the regime and in solidarity with the besieged cities.
Tal Rifaat: A demonstartion set out in the region calling for the toppling of the regime.
Andan: A demonstration came out in Andan calling for the toppling of the regime, despite security forces continuing their blockade on the area.
Damascus Province:
City of Damascus: A demonstration in Al-Ghawas street in Medan neighborhood and another one in Zain Al-Abdeen mosque in Zahra street.
Daraya: A demonstration marched from Osama mosque and another one from Abu Edris Al Khoulani mosque chanting to topple the regime despite the heavy security presence.
Douma: Gunfire toward demonstrations which marched from several mosques after Friday prayers.
Homs Province:
City of Homs: Shooting from heavy machine guns placed on tanks on the demonstrators in Ashira neighbourhood. Three thousand people in Bayada neighborhhood demonstrated, chanting in support of Rastan and demanding for the toppling of the regime.
Qusair:3000 demonstrators chanting to topple the regime and in solidarity with the besieged cities
Deraa Province:
Nemer: A demonstration occurred in the city calling for the toppling of the regime.
Harra: More than 2000 demonstrators chanting to topple the regime.
Lattakia Province:
City of Lattakia: hundreds demonstrate in Qnenis, and the security forces disperse a gathering while trying to demonstrate near Al-Bazar mosque, and arrest one of the people there, while the security forces and Shabiha are surrounding the mosque of Omar Bin Al-Khattab and Touraify in the neighborhoods of Segen, Ghareeb, and Fatahy in Salebyeh neighborhood and Homsain in Mashroaa Al-Salyybiyeh.
Hama Province:
Kaferzita: Killing of Abdulatif Al Bakour due to the heavy gunfire from security forces.
Idlib Province:
Saraqeb:A mass demonstration chanting for freedom and toppling of the regime.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
LCC Update: The Latest Videos From Around Syria
Videos from Syria فيديوز من سوريا
مظاهرة سوق الجبيلة في دير الزور
Jubaileh market in Deir Ezzor feature=uploademail
مظاهرة داعل المسائيه
Daeel night demo v=ODd3nFL6omA
مظاهرة مسائيه في جبل الزاوية
Jabal Zawieh night demo v=FhYrlRzqTVY v=km8PRWCIq7E
مظاهرة مسائيه في مارع حلب
NIght demo in Marey Aleppo v=0muTcdP_Vxo
مظاهرة مسائيه في زملكا
Night demo in Zamalka v=UGyq2UznJWI
مظاهرة مسائيه في الحراك
Night demo in Herak v=YMMw1IKQs0U
مظاهرة مسائيه في الزبداني و تحية للقناة العربيه v=7_UPFXMGOxE v=naqRDEzU8C4
مظاهرة مسائيه في القصور بحمص
Night demo in Qosor, Homs v=bwUPUxgsIpE
مظاهرة مسائيه في الغوطه حمص
Night demo in Ghotah, Homs v=_7GNuuyZ-wQ
مظاهرة مسائيه في كفرزيتا بحماه
Night demo in Kafarzeta, Hama v=ctFgcpt1mYk
مظاهرة مسائيه في عربين
Night demo in Erbeen v=s5nK6vfxKBI v=sVazT2L4MHA
مظاهرة سوق الجبيلة في دير الزور
Jubaileh market in Deir Ezzor
مظاهرة داعل المسائيه
Daeel night demo
مظاهرة مسائيه في جبل الزاوية
Jabal Zawieh night demo
مظاهرة مسائيه في مارع حلب
NIght demo in Marey Aleppo
مظاهرة مسائيه في زملكا
Night demo in Zamalka
مظاهرة مسائيه في الحراك
Night demo in Herak
مظاهرة مسائيه في الزبداني و تحية للقناة العربيه
مظاهرة مسائيه في القصور بحمص
Night demo in Qosor, Homs
مظاهرة مسائيه في الغوطه حمص
Night demo in Ghotah, Homs
مظاهرة مسائيه في كفرزيتا بحماه
Night demo in Kafarzeta, Hama
مظاهرة مسائيه في عربين
Night demo in Erbeen

LCC Update: Siege of Rastan Continues, Evening Protests in Hama
Homs Province:
Rastan: Heavy shooting from heavy and medium weapons targeting the Al-Kabeer mosque (Abu Omar) in the center of Rastan has led to the almost total destruction of the building.
Hasakeh Province:
Political activist Faeq Al Ali was arrested during his visit to Hasakeh Recruitment Department, at which point it was noticed that he was missing and all attempt to contact him have failed. Al Ali is a phd student at Damascus University and he was working on his doctoral thesis in Human Geography. He is also a former detainee.
Lattakia Province:
Jableh: Evening demonstration took off from Al-Ghazaly mosque in Al-Souq after Maghrib prayer, chanted for toppling the of the regime and for the martyrs, despite the intensive siege on the old neighborhoods in the city.
Deraa Province:
Kherbet Ghazaleh: massive demonstration came out in the town and gathered in Horriya square in front of Al-Omary mosque, chanting in solidarity with Rastan and Homs, and to topple the regime.
Hama Province:
City of Hama: Several demonstrations marched from Manakh, qusoor, Ein Elouzeh, Janob Al Mal’ab neighborhoods and Al Masood mosque calling for the toppling of the regime, they burned photos of Bashar, Ahmadinejad and Hassan Nasrallah. The demonstrations were followed by a huge security deployment.
Rastan: Heavy shooting from heavy and medium weapons targeting the Al-Kabeer mosque (Abu Omar) in the center of Rastan has led to the almost total destruction of the building.
Hasakeh Province:
Political activist Faeq Al Ali was arrested during his visit to Hasakeh Recruitment Department, at which point it was noticed that he was missing and all attempt to contact him have failed. Al Ali is a phd student at Damascus University and he was working on his doctoral thesis in Human Geography. He is also a former detainee.
Lattakia Province:
Jableh: Evening demonstration took off from Al-Ghazaly mosque in Al-Souq after Maghrib prayer, chanted for toppling the of the regime and for the martyrs, despite the intensive siege on the old neighborhoods in the city.
Deraa Province:
Kherbet Ghazaleh: massive demonstration came out in the town and gathered in Horriya square in front of Al-Omary mosque, chanting in solidarity with Rastan and Homs, and to topple the regime.
Hama Province:
City of Hama: Several demonstrations marched from Manakh, qusoor, Ein Elouzeh, Janob Al Mal’ab neighborhoods and Al Masood mosque calling for the toppling of the regime, they burned photos of Bashar, Ahmadinejad and Hassan Nasrallah. The demonstrations were followed by a huge security deployment.
LCC Update: 47 People Have Died in the Last 48 Hours
The number of dead today and yesterday combined, has reached 47: 27 of them in Rastan only; 12 in Homs; 3 in Lattakia; and 1 in each of Banyas, Daraa, Idlib, and Hasakeh.
Homs Province:
Rastan: the city is still under heavy shooting and shelling from the army's heavy weapons amid news of major defections in the army who are trying to protect the people. The documented number of city's casualties has reached 27 dead including a child, during yesterday and today only.
Damascus Prvoince:
Douma: Curfew in the city, the shop owners are forced to close their shops due to threats from security forces. Heavy security and armed thugs deployed in Quatli and al Jalaa streets as well as the municipality square.
Harasta: A campaign of raids and arrests has been carried out since the morning hours.
Daeel: Women demonstrated in front of Al Kabeer mosque, chanting for the martyr Zainab, and for the detainee Tal Al Maluhi. The demonstrators are holding a big board written on it “Thanks for the Free Syrian Army” and chanting for the besieged cities.
قصف في مدينة تلبيسة
Shelling on Talbeseh
اطلاق رصاص على مظاهرة القابون في دمشق
الدبابات في مدينة القصير
Tanks in Qosair in Homs
Army invading Deir Balbah in Homs
الجيش يقتحم دير بعلبة في حمص
مظاهرة طلاب الجيزة
Student demo in Jezah
مظاهرة طلابية في جديدة عرطوز
Student demo in Jdaidet Artouz
مظاهرة طلابية في تدمر
Student demo in Todmour
Break News: Local Coordinating Committees of Syria Announce "Union of Free Syria Students"

Breaking News: Great Video by BBC Explaining the Genesis of the Uprising Starting in Deraa
Here is the story of Deraa as told by a BBC correspondent. Click here.
I have spoken with sources and collected some general statistics I want to share with you:
3,597 people have been killed. This number is based on those whose names have been confirmed, the number is much higher though as there are mass graves which the regime is hiding many bodies in as well as unidentified bodies in morgues and hospitals, and in secret detention centers.
The largest death tolls are in the following Provinces:
1,058 in Homs Province
712 in Deraa Province
480 in Idlib Province
411 in Damascus Province
403 in Hama Province
233 in Lattakia Province
226 in Deir Azzour Province
130 hospitals have been closed around the country.
117 bodies of activists bearing the marks of torture have been identified.
70,000 people have been detained, 10,000 still remain in jail.
At least 47 spontaneous student demonstrations have taken place since September 15th (the start of the school year).
On average, 100,000 people take to the streets to protest every day, sometimes as high as 500,000 on a Friday.
Perhaps 15,000 soldiers have defected, although this number is hard to verify.
I have spoken with sources and collected some general statistics I want to share with you:
3,597 people have been killed. This number is based on those whose names have been confirmed, the number is much higher though as there are mass graves which the regime is hiding many bodies in as well as unidentified bodies in morgues and hospitals, and in secret detention centers.
The largest death tolls are in the following Provinces:
1,058 in Homs Province
712 in Deraa Province
480 in Idlib Province
411 in Damascus Province
403 in Hama Province
233 in Lattakia Province
226 in Deir Azzour Province
130 hospitals have been closed around the country.
117 bodies of activists bearing the marks of torture have been identified.
70,000 people have been detained, 10,000 still remain in jail.
At least 47 spontaneous student demonstrations have taken place since September 15th (the start of the school year).
On average, 100,000 people take to the streets to protest every day, sometimes as high as 500,000 on a Friday.
Perhaps 15,000 soldiers have defected, although this number is hard to verify.
Inside Source: Update From Idlib for Wednesday (9/28/11)
Idlib Province:
City Idleb: Shooting in the air by one of the informants who dispersed a protest of primary education students in Khaled Shaar after the demonstration passed in front of his house located in front of Abu Dhar Mosque.
Khan Al'Sabil: four buses filled with security accompanied by machine guns, stormed the village of Khan Al'Sabil and arrested Ali Omar Asad in a raid on his home.
Jabal Az-Awiya Region:
Bizabor: This afternoon 20 soldiers defected from their unit located in the village of Bizabor and were then chased by the other elements of the army on the outskirts of the village and to the west.
**Jabal Az-Awiya: The Free Syria Army has ambushed a column of Shabiha heading for Jabal Az-Awiya on the road to Ariha. The FSA claims to have killed or wounded 100 members of the Shabiha.
Al'Til: New barriers were erected at the Hish junction where several people from the village of Al'Til located east of Ma'arrat Numan have been arrested in the last few days.
Activists have obtained the names of some of the detainees from Al'Til:
1. Mohamed Abdel-Hadi Ghajar
2. Bashar Abdul Hadi Ghajar
3. Ahmed Ibrahim Al'Amar
4. Abdul Razak Khabour Al'Yousef
5. Yasser Al'alawi a college student
6. Saad Abdel-Rahman Jadou
7. Mohammed Abdel-Rahman Jadou, a soldier who was arrested from his barracks
8. Ahmed Mohamed Al'Arnous
**Road to the town of Ariha: The Free Syria Army takes credit for the killing of two members of the security forces at the green mound promenade.
**Sarqab: Free Syria Army forces have ambushed a column of Shabiha escorting a prison car over a bridge near the town, resulting in the killing of at least 15 members of the Shabiha.
Corine: school students in the village of Corine left from their schools to demonstrate and called for the fall of the system and the withdrawal of the traitorous elements of the army from all cities.
**Other Defections that Took Place
1. Homs: Deir Fuil: 12 members of the airforce intelligence services have defected. 3 of these defectors were killed.
2. Homs: Abu Kamal: 1 officer and 5 soldiers of the airport security have defected.
3. Homs: Rastan: Reporting in this area is sketchy but it has been observed that three armored carriers had been flipped over and 3 tanks were burning in the area of Rastan.
City Idleb: Shooting in the air by one of the informants who dispersed a protest of primary education students in Khaled Shaar after the demonstration passed in front of his house located in front of Abu Dhar Mosque.
Khan Al'Sabil: four buses filled with security accompanied by machine guns, stormed the village of Khan Al'Sabil and arrested Ali Omar Asad in a raid on his home.
Jabal Az-Awiya Region:
Bizabor: This afternoon 20 soldiers defected from their unit located in the village of Bizabor and were then chased by the other elements of the army on the outskirts of the village and to the west.
**Jabal Az-Awiya: The Free Syria Army has ambushed a column of Shabiha heading for Jabal Az-Awiya on the road to Ariha. The FSA claims to have killed or wounded 100 members of the Shabiha.
Al'Til: New barriers were erected at the Hish junction where several people from the village of Al'Til located east of Ma'arrat Numan have been arrested in the last few days.
Activists have obtained the names of some of the detainees from Al'Til:
1. Mohamed Abdel-Hadi Ghajar
2. Bashar Abdul Hadi Ghajar
3. Ahmed Ibrahim Al'Amar
4. Abdul Razak Khabour Al'Yousef
5. Yasser Al'alawi a college student
6. Saad Abdel-Rahman Jadou
7. Mohammed Abdel-Rahman Jadou, a soldier who was arrested from his barracks
8. Ahmed Mohamed Al'Arnous
**Road to the town of Ariha: The Free Syria Army takes credit for the killing of two members of the security forces at the green mound promenade.
**Sarqab: Free Syria Army forces have ambushed a column of Shabiha escorting a prison car over a bridge near the town, resulting in the killing of at least 15 members of the Shabiha.
Corine: school students in the village of Corine left from their schools to demonstrate and called for the fall of the system and the withdrawal of the traitorous elements of the army from all cities.
**Other Defections that Took Place
1. Homs: Deir Fuil: 12 members of the airforce intelligence services have defected. 3 of these defectors were killed.
2. Homs: Abu Kamal: 1 officer and 5 soldiers of the airport security have defected.
3. Homs: Rastan: Reporting in this area is sketchy but it has been observed that three armored carriers had been flipped over and 3 tanks were burning in the area of Rastan.
Inside Source: Continued Update from Around Syria for Tuesday (9/27/11)
Hama Province:
City of Hama: Security forces and Shabiha arrived in the neighborhood of Al'Saboun in a large green bus. Electricity was also cut off to the neighborhood.
Homs Province:
City of Homs: Massive demonstrations broke out in Homs in the following neighborhoods despite a massive security presence and constant use of live fire against protesters: Khalidiya, Bab Sabaa, Al'Insha'at, Bab Amr, Joureh Al'Arayes, Al'Wa'ar, Al'Qasour, Al'Aqrabis, Bab Dareeb, Bab Tadamar, Karam Al'Zeitoun, Tirmaleh and Deir Balabeh in addition to demonstrations in Rastan. Demonstrators chanted for the support the Rastan and Talbiseh. There was shooting sporadically on the road that leads to Hama through the neighborhood of Khalidiya.
Other Updates from Neighborhoods in the city of Homs:
Khalidiya: A bomb was thrown before afternoon prayers at the Al'nour mosque. it is not known whether there are any injuries.
Bayada: At least 3 people were killed in Bayada and 30 wounded- many of them girls including two who are in serious condition.
Rastan: Security forces closed the Al'Bar clinic in the city of Rastan which is the only place to save the wounded in Rastan. Bombing of the Islamic school in Rastan. Security and Army forces stormed Rastant and tanks, heavy weapons and aircraft are bombarding the area demolishing many homes and injuring many people and killing an unknown number through indiscriminate shelling and machine-gun fire.
The following People were Killed:
1. Hassan Mustafa Bakir in Bayada
2. Abbas Shafiq from the district of Khaldiya
3. Abdul Rahman Mohamed Khair Al'Maghrabi from Bayadaa
Idlib Province:
Jabal Az-Awiya Region:
Ibleen: A demonstration in the village of Ibleen took place in the evening.
Corine: After the evening prayer service, a demonstration took place in which there were calls to bring down the system and chanted in support of the cities besieged by the regime.
Sermin: A demonstration took place in which protesters chanted in support of Rastan, Homs, and all the affected cities and demanded the fall of the system. This demonstration was broadcast live on the Syrian people and Al'Jazeera.
Haas: There was a demonstration in which protesters shouted: Revolution! Revolution! Assad has no legitimacy!
City of Hama: Security forces and Shabiha arrived in the neighborhood of Al'Saboun in a large green bus. Electricity was also cut off to the neighborhood.
Homs Province:
City of Homs: Massive demonstrations broke out in Homs in the following neighborhoods despite a massive security presence and constant use of live fire against protesters: Khalidiya, Bab Sabaa, Al'Insha'at, Bab Amr, Joureh Al'Arayes, Al'Wa'ar, Al'Qasour, Al'Aqrabis, Bab Dareeb, Bab Tadamar, Karam Al'Zeitoun, Tirmaleh and Deir Balabeh in addition to demonstrations in Rastan. Demonstrators chanted for the support the Rastan and Talbiseh. There was shooting sporadically on the road that leads to Hama through the neighborhood of Khalidiya.
Other Updates from Neighborhoods in the city of Homs:
Khalidiya: A bomb was thrown before afternoon prayers at the Al'nour mosque. it is not known whether there are any injuries.
Bayada: At least 3 people were killed in Bayada and 30 wounded- many of them girls including two who are in serious condition.
Rastan: Security forces closed the Al'Bar clinic in the city of Rastan which is the only place to save the wounded in Rastan. Bombing of the Islamic school in Rastan. Security and Army forces stormed Rastant and tanks, heavy weapons and aircraft are bombarding the area demolishing many homes and injuring many people and killing an unknown number through indiscriminate shelling and machine-gun fire.
The following People were Killed:
1. Hassan Mustafa Bakir in Bayada
2. Abbas Shafiq from the district of Khaldiya
3. Abdul Rahman Mohamed Khair Al'Maghrabi from Bayadaa
Idlib Province:
Jabal Az-Awiya Region:
Ibleen: A demonstration in the village of Ibleen took place in the evening.
Corine: After the evening prayer service, a demonstration took place in which there were calls to bring down the system and chanted in support of the cities besieged by the regime.
Sermin: A demonstration took place in which protesters chanted in support of Rastan, Homs, and all the affected cities and demanded the fall of the system. This demonstration was broadcast live on the Syrian people and Al'Jazeera.
Haas: There was a demonstration in which protesters shouted: Revolution! Revolution! Assad has no legitimacy!
LCC Udpates: More Updates from Tuesday (Sept 27th)
Aleppo Province:
Maraa: The arrest of Muhammad Nasser Khader (16 years) and young man Mohammed Ahmed Jamoul from the town of Maraa as they were heading to Aleppo.
Idlib Province:
Sarqab: Shabiha raided the city in search of military dissident from Al'Neirab camp and clashes took place between defectors and security forces. There are reports of casualties amongst defectors.
Jabal Az'Awiya - the village of Al Maghara: Ibrahim Hassoon was arrested on Monday from the village of Al Maghara by members of the Security. Young Muawiya Mustafa Rifai has been missing for two weeks ago, and he was working in the East Ghouta Bsagba ... Damascus.
Jabal Az'Awiya- Ibdeeta: Yesterday Mohammed Hassan Hamoud and Hamdo Fahad Hamoud were released from detention after being arrested and tortured since September 14th.
Jabal Az'Awiya - Ibleen: Yesterday the wife of Mohammed Harmoush who was killed by security forces was released after 45 day of detention. She is in very bad condition.
Corine: Departure a protest in the village of Corine after the evening prayer calls to bring down the system and chanted for the cities under siege
Sermin: A mass rally in support of Rastan, Homs, and all the affected cities took place. Protesters demanded the fall of the regime. This protest was broadcast live "the Syrian people" and Al'Jazeera.
Kafrouma: The town was exposed to a relentless campaign of barbarism by the army and security forces. At least one person was killed and ten were wounded and another five have been detained.
Damascus Province:
City of Damascus: A mass demonstration took place in the neighborhood of Qaboun. People chanted in support of Sheikh Nawaf al-Bashir, the dissidents (soldiers), the towns of Rastan and Barzeh and demanded the execution of a president who has lost all legitimacy.
Douma: Security forces opened fire during the afternoon to disperse the demonstration which was launched from the Great Mosque. Forces were heavily deployed in the city and shop owners were forces to close.
Al'Kisweh: The Security representative in the municipality of Al'Kisweh wore the clothing a and mask and then broke into the bank to convince the world that terrorist groups are present and stealing from the bank in an attempt to legitimate the security scenario the regime keeps saying which is that protesters are really "terrorists" and security forces are just arresting these "armed groups."
Arrest of a young man, Ahmed Abdel Hadi Ajam, aged 31 years, from Al'Ahrar Saladin. He has been detained for the second time in three days, after he had left prison ten days ago, he has been arrested after being contacted by the Airforce Intelligence Branch who asked him to come and pick up his computer.
Deraa Province:
Demonstrations took place all over Deraa including in: Tariq Al'Sidd - Al'Qasour - Al'Sabeel. Demonstrations claimed their support for Rastan and Major Abdul Rahman Sheikh Ahmed in the Syrian army.
Dier Azzour Province:
City of Deir Azzour: The Omar Ibn Khatab Battalion of the Free Syria Army clashed with the security forces and Shabiha in the following areas after security forces attacked protesters: Al'Takiya Street, Al'Malaab Street - Hamidiya - Cinema Fouad Street - Sharm Al'Nahar, and Hajanah street. Shabiha and security forces also chased demonstrators in Hamidiya lane and did a lot of shooting near the nursery unit in Al'Takiya street. A demonstration also took place in Saliba near the mosque Afattahi with calls for the fall of the system and the president and support for Homs. Mass demonstrations were also launched from three areas to the central point of Mosque Al'Fardous from Alajabilh market, Aisha Mosque in the Hamidiya neighborhood, and the area around Safa mosque in the neighborhood Al'Amaal.
Zamlaka: Protests took place and Sheikh Nawaf al-Bashir exclaimed that he and the demonstration were in support of Rastan.
Lattakia Province:
City of Lattakia: The arrest of Muhammad Ebo (23 years old) the day after the Asr prayer from the Soufan mosque near his place of work. A demonstration took place in the district of Saliba in support of Rastan and called for the fall of regime and the departure of the president.
Town of Jableh: Activists received news about the arrest of the young Firas Kifou (Halabi). A resident in the Jableh, he is a poor young man and worked at the Arab-Dura on the Corniche in the city.
Maraa: The arrest of Muhammad Nasser Khader (16 years) and young man Mohammed Ahmed Jamoul from the town of Maraa as they were heading to Aleppo.
Idlib Province:
Sarqab: Shabiha raided the city in search of military dissident from Al'Neirab camp and clashes took place between defectors and security forces. There are reports of casualties amongst defectors.
Jabal Az'Awiya - the village of Al Maghara: Ibrahim Hassoon was arrested on Monday from the village of Al Maghara by members of the Security. Young Muawiya Mustafa Rifai has been missing for two weeks ago, and he was working in the East Ghouta Bsagba ... Damascus.
Jabal Az'Awiya- Ibdeeta: Yesterday Mohammed Hassan Hamoud and Hamdo Fahad Hamoud were released from detention after being arrested and tortured since September 14th.
Jabal Az'Awiya - Ibleen: Yesterday the wife of Mohammed Harmoush who was killed by security forces was released after 45 day of detention. She is in very bad condition.
Corine: Departure a protest in the village of Corine after the evening prayer calls to bring down the system and chanted for the cities under siege
Sermin: A mass rally in support of Rastan, Homs, and all the affected cities took place. Protesters demanded the fall of the regime. This protest was broadcast live "the Syrian people" and Al'Jazeera.
Kafrouma: The town was exposed to a relentless campaign of barbarism by the army and security forces. At least one person was killed and ten were wounded and another five have been detained.
Damascus Province:
City of Damascus: A mass demonstration took place in the neighborhood of Qaboun. People chanted in support of Sheikh Nawaf al-Bashir, the dissidents (soldiers), the towns of Rastan and Barzeh and demanded the execution of a president who has lost all legitimacy.
Douma: Security forces opened fire during the afternoon to disperse the demonstration which was launched from the Great Mosque. Forces were heavily deployed in the city and shop owners were forces to close.
Al'Kisweh: The Security representative in the municipality of Al'Kisweh wore the clothing a and mask and then broke into the bank to convince the world that terrorist groups are present and stealing from the bank in an attempt to legitimate the security scenario the regime keeps saying which is that protesters are really "terrorists" and security forces are just arresting these "armed groups."
Arrest of a young man, Ahmed Abdel Hadi Ajam, aged 31 years, from Al'Ahrar Saladin. He has been detained for the second time in three days, after he had left prison ten days ago, he has been arrested after being contacted by the Airforce Intelligence Branch who asked him to come and pick up his computer.
Deraa Province:
Demonstrations took place all over Deraa including in: Tariq Al'Sidd - Al'Qasour - Al'Sabeel. Demonstrations claimed their support for Rastan and Major Abdul Rahman Sheikh Ahmed in the Syrian army.
Dier Azzour Province:
City of Deir Azzour: The Omar Ibn Khatab Battalion of the Free Syria Army clashed with the security forces and Shabiha in the following areas after security forces attacked protesters: Al'Takiya Street, Al'Malaab Street - Hamidiya - Cinema Fouad Street - Sharm Al'Nahar, and Hajanah street. Shabiha and security forces also chased demonstrators in Hamidiya lane and did a lot of shooting near the nursery unit in Al'Takiya street. A demonstration also took place in Saliba near the mosque Afattahi with calls for the fall of the system and the president and support for Homs. Mass demonstrations were also launched from three areas to the central point of Mosque Al'Fardous from Alajabilh market, Aisha Mosque in the Hamidiya neighborhood, and the area around Safa mosque in the neighborhood Al'Amaal.
Zamlaka: Protests took place and Sheikh Nawaf al-Bashir exclaimed that he and the demonstration were in support of Rastan.
Lattakia Province:
City of Lattakia: The arrest of Muhammad Ebo (23 years old) the day after the Asr prayer from the Soufan mosque near his place of work. A demonstration took place in the district of Saliba in support of Rastan and called for the fall of regime and the departure of the president.
Town of Jableh: Activists received news about the arrest of the young Firas Kifou (Halabi). A resident in the Jableh, he is a poor young man and worked at the Arab-Dura on the Corniche in the city.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Breaking News: Latest Report from Activists Highlights Numerous Incidents of Rape in Homs and Idlib
In a report put together and being circulated by activists, there is a new disturbing trend of incidents of rape in Homs and in Idlib. This is the latest attempt by the regime to terrorize and humiliate the people of Syria. The report can be downloaded here.
LCC Update: Town of Rastan is Being Heavily Shelled and Bombed
Gasem: a students' protest went out chanting for Rastan and demanding trail the president , army is surrounding the seventh's official school to prevent it students from protesting. Mahata: Student demonstrations took off from Mahata, and industrial and Muhatta high schools, chanting in soldarity with Rastan and demanding to bringing the president to trial
Kerbet Ghazala: severals students protests gathered in Al-Mahatta yard chanted for Rastan and demanded bringing the president to trail.
Houses are being demolished in Barzeh, despite that fact that there were no orders to evacuate, and no time was given to residents to secure their household items. Bulldozers arrived at 4:00 a.m., and have demolished seven houses.
Homs Province:
Rastan: massive shelling of the city is being witnessed now with heavy flight of the air forces. Houses, water and electricity sources are being targeted by the shelling, reports about the killing of the defected lieutenant Ahmed Al-Khalaf during clashes.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
LCC and Inside Source Update: Roundup from Around Syria -8 dead, More Defections in Deir Azzour Reported
Number of martyrs today in Syria reached to 8: 3 in Homs, 4 in Hama and 1 in Idlib.
Aleppo Province:
Mare: Student demonstration in one of the boys high school chanting "No teaching nor studying till the fall of the regime.”
Tal Ref'at : 8 cars containing security left from the city of Maraa towardsTel Rafaat .. The news refers to a raid in Tal Rafaat. Security and Shabiha cars are storming the city now. More than 30 buses as well as jeeps have arrived from Maraa, Aleppo and Aziza with reinforcements.
Damascus Province:
Al'Midan neighborhood: There was a revolutionary rally in the area of Abu Habal, chanting for the fall of the regime and the execution of the Shabiha.
Damascus Suburbs
Douma: Military deployment in Abdulqader Badran square and on the top of Burj Hospital. Military vehicles and new military carriers provoking whomever passes by, searching them and randomly arresting others.
Daraya: The Psychiatrist Mohamad Abo Hilalah was arrested today from his medical center.
Harasta: many demonstrations took off in the city to all meet in martyr's condolence tent. An eye witness from Harasta has testified that a young girl from Douma who is a law student was raped in front of her family.
Nahr Ayesh: A protest was launched tonight and a rally with the participation of Syrian intellectuals.
Deraa Province:
City of Deraa: Women and children participated in a demonstration at Al-Arbeien neighborhood.
Daeel: More than 2,000 demonstrators in Hourriya square. Electricity to the city has been cut.
Towns of Nemer and Hara: Student demonstrations took place in both towns chanting for the fall of the regime.
Naseb: Security and security storm the city, they randomly opened fire, burned some activist houses and arrest several people
Busra Sham: Student demonstrations started from Martyr Mohamad Najem school that was dispersed with live fire and random arrests.
Tafs: Security forces backed by teams of Shabiha broke into the city amid intensive gunfire and raided the town and made many arrests, including the arrest of Rami Bardan.
Deir Azzour Province:
Qourieh: the city of Qourieh has been invaded by a large number of tanks accompanied by buses filled with security agents and thugs. This was accompanied by random, heavy fire after a night demonstration. There is a very firm siege on the city, accompanied by an unofficial curfew. A wedding turns into a demonstration in Deir Ezzor neighborhoods and bridegrooms are demanding the execution of the president.
The Free Syria Army announces the formation of a new battalion after the defection of a large number of officers and soldiers in Deir Ezzor. A Spokesman said two battalions were merged into one and this "new battalion structure is more powerful than before, and is now the core of the army leading operations and is stronger than the Khaled ibn-Walid Brigade based in Homs."
Hasakah Province:
City of Qamishli: Arrival of 12 security units buses, 8 military Jeb cars with BKC machine guns, soldiers, and Shabiha this morning.
Homs Province:
Heavy gunfire towards demonstrators occurred in the neighborhood of Bayyadeh today.
Talbisah: heavy gunfire from machine guns along with flare shots
Tadmor (Palmyra): A demonstration took off in the town calling for the toppling of the regime and chanting "All Syrians are one.”
Qaseer: Villages around the city, such as Burhaniah, Masria, and Jawdiah, are surrounded by security forces who conducted a major sweep of the area. Meanwhile, nearly 1,000 protesters protested in the western market. BRDM gunfire was used to disperse Al-Qsair's protest. A Thousand people participated in the funeral of martyr soldier Ma’an Al’King, chanting in solidarity with the martyrs and Martyrs’ mothers.
Rastan: Widespread army presence encircling the city from the west tonight.
Idlib Province:
Maaret Al-Numan: Huge number of security and thugs are gathered in and on Aleppo- Damascus’ highway near the city.
Village of Bara: heavy machine gune fire from vehicles was hear and there is news of casualties and the defection of elements of the army.
Jisr Al'Shaghour: Comirmation of the arrest of 3 people from the city of Jisr Al'Shaghour on Sunday 09.25.2011:
1. Qais Abazla: from his job in finance
2. Mohamed Fizou: from his shop in the market
3. Ahmed Adalba: from the district dispensary
Lattakia Province:
Security forces used a sound grenade to disperse Al-Slaibeh's protest demanding the president to be sentenced. Hundreds participated in a students’ demonstration marched from Qasidya school in Owaineh, called for the freeing of the detainee and for the toppling of the regime.
Jableh: URGENT: Arrest of a young brother of Azou Qasidir, Mahdi Qasidir was arrested by the Air Intelligence - the most feared and brutal intelligence unit in Syria.
Aleppo Province:
Mare: Student demonstration in one of the boys high school chanting "No teaching nor studying till the fall of the regime.”
Tal Ref'at : 8 cars containing security left from the city of Maraa towardsTel Rafaat .. The news refers to a raid in Tal Rafaat. Security and Shabiha cars are storming the city now. More than 30 buses as well as jeeps have arrived from Maraa, Aleppo and Aziza with reinforcements.
Damascus Province:
Al'Midan neighborhood: There was a revolutionary rally in the area of Abu Habal, chanting for the fall of the regime and the execution of the Shabiha.
Damascus Suburbs
Douma: Military deployment in Abdulqader Badran square and on the top of Burj Hospital. Military vehicles and new military carriers provoking whomever passes by, searching them and randomly arresting others.
Daraya: The Psychiatrist Mohamad Abo Hilalah was arrested today from his medical center.
Harasta: many demonstrations took off in the city to all meet in martyr's condolence tent. An eye witness from Harasta has testified that a young girl from Douma who is a law student was raped in front of her family.
Nahr Ayesh: A protest was launched tonight and a rally with the participation of Syrian intellectuals.
Deraa Province:
City of Deraa: Women and children participated in a demonstration at Al-Arbeien neighborhood.
Daeel: More than 2,000 demonstrators in Hourriya square. Electricity to the city has been cut.
Towns of Nemer and Hara: Student demonstrations took place in both towns chanting for the fall of the regime.
Naseb: Security and security storm the city, they randomly opened fire, burned some activist houses and arrest several people
Busra Sham: Student demonstrations started from Martyr Mohamad Najem school that was dispersed with live fire and random arrests.
Tafs: Security forces backed by teams of Shabiha broke into the city amid intensive gunfire and raided the town and made many arrests, including the arrest of Rami Bardan.
Deir Azzour Province:
Qourieh: the city of Qourieh has been invaded by a large number of tanks accompanied by buses filled with security agents and thugs. This was accompanied by random, heavy fire after a night demonstration. There is a very firm siege on the city, accompanied by an unofficial curfew. A wedding turns into a demonstration in Deir Ezzor neighborhoods and bridegrooms are demanding the execution of the president.
The Free Syria Army announces the formation of a new battalion after the defection of a large number of officers and soldiers in Deir Ezzor. A Spokesman said two battalions were merged into one and this "new battalion structure is more powerful than before, and is now the core of the army leading operations and is stronger than the Khaled ibn-Walid Brigade based in Homs."
Hasakah Province:
City of Qamishli: Arrival of 12 security units buses, 8 military Jeb cars with BKC machine guns, soldiers, and Shabiha this morning.
Homs Province:
Heavy gunfire towards demonstrators occurred in the neighborhood of Bayyadeh today.
Talbisah: heavy gunfire from machine guns along with flare shots
Tadmor (Palmyra): A demonstration took off in the town calling for the toppling of the regime and chanting "All Syrians are one.”
Qaseer: Villages around the city, such as Burhaniah, Masria, and Jawdiah, are surrounded by security forces who conducted a major sweep of the area. Meanwhile, nearly 1,000 protesters protested in the western market. BRDM gunfire was used to disperse Al-Qsair's protest. A Thousand people participated in the funeral of martyr soldier Ma’an Al’King, chanting in solidarity with the martyrs and Martyrs’ mothers.
Rastan: Widespread army presence encircling the city from the west tonight.
Idlib Province:
Maaret Al-Numan: Huge number of security and thugs are gathered in and on Aleppo- Damascus’ highway near the city.
Village of Bara: heavy machine gune fire from vehicles was hear and there is news of casualties and the defection of elements of the army.
Jisr Al'Shaghour: Comirmation of the arrest of 3 people from the city of Jisr Al'Shaghour on Sunday 09.25.2011:
1. Qais Abazla: from his job in finance
2. Mohamed Fizou: from his shop in the market
3. Ahmed Adalba: from the district dispensary
Lattakia Province:
Security forces used a sound grenade to disperse Al-Slaibeh's protest demanding the president to be sentenced. Hundreds participated in a students’ demonstration marched from Qasidya school in Owaineh, called for the freeing of the detainee and for the toppling of the regime.
Jableh: URGENT: Arrest of a young brother of Azou Qasidir, Mahdi Qasidir was arrested by the Air Intelligence - the most feared and brutal intelligence unit in Syria.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Inside Source: Latest Updates from Around Syria
Aleppo Province:
Ikhtareen: A funeral for the martyr military recruiter Mustafa Zino in the afternoon turned into a protest calling for the fall of the regime.
Damascus Province:
City of Damascus: The sound of shooting could be heard in the neighborhood of Mazzeh Filat Gharbia.
Al'Midan: A number of demonstration were launched from male and female schools, as well as other schools. The Shabiha attacked one of these demonstrations, forcing some of the girls to run away via adjacent alleyways.
Deraa Province:Nimer: the follow people continued to be detained:
1. Omar Ahmed Kushan 67 years for the second time
2. D. Mohamed Ammar Awad 51 years for the third time
3. Bilal Omar Kushan
4. Samer Mohammed Bakri for the second time
5. Mohammad Bakri, father of Samer and the security pressure on Samer threatened his father,
6. Ibrahim Bakri, Abu Jafar
7. Osama Ibrahim Ammar for the second time
8. Tariq Ziyadeh Shehadeh 8. Ahmed Ammar Abu Yamen
9. Abdallah Al'Moutlaq
10. Hindi Mahmoud Al'Zoukani
Acitivists say some of those detained are sick and they demand the regime released them immediately or the regime will bear full responsibility for their well being.
Dael: heavy fire from heavy weapons and anti-air weapons occurred tonight.
Muhammad Ahmad Taan
Jareer Yasser Sarmani
Mustafa Mahi'aldin Qatini
Khalid Mustafa Al'Azraq
Muhammad Adnan Mansour
Manaf Fouad Sarmani
Taftanaz: Today Mustafa Mohammed Deib Ghazal was arrested at a checkpoint near Taftanaz airport and was transferred to military security in Idlib.
Jabal Az'Awiya: Confirmed: A great split in the ranks of the military occurred in the village of Al'Rami and the regime is bringing in security forces and vehicles to track down the dissidents.
Hizanou: A Protest was launched in memory of the martyr Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs.
Jisr Al'Shaghour: Yesterday, Saturday night:
Forces cut off the electrical grid for the entire city of Jisr Al'Shaghour. Bulldozers and other digging equipment were then brought into the new cemetery. A mass grave was then dug and approximately sixty unidentified bodies were buried. Land officials are now telling everyone that in order to bury anyone in this new cemetery it will cost 6,000 Syrian pounds ($122) a to before unheard of government division called the "Society for Burials" (the exact name is not known). Such taxes and fees or official papers were never needed in the past to bury someone. Activists think the new tax may be an effort to keep people away from the mass grave and prevent anyone from finding its exact whereabouts.
Kafroumah | Despite being the grip of the military and a blockade, the people of the town insisted on launching a demonstration in support of the martyr Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs.
Town of Ariha- Corine: A large demonstration was held in Corinne supporting the martyr Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs and calling for the fall of the system.
Sermin: Despite the fierce campaign launched by security forces and the Shabiha Sunday morning, a protest shouting and demanding the execution of Bashar Al'Assad, the release detainees, and in support of Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs went forward.
Al'Neirab: During the campaign on Sunday, five people were arrested. Three of them were released and two have continued to be held:
1. Mohammed Mustafa Thrush of Neirab
2. Abdul Razak Mohammed Darwish of Neirab
Jabal Az'Awiya Region - Mahamabal: Very heavy gunfire was heard in the area.
Jabal Az'Awiya region - Maraeian: Today saw the release of Khaled Kassem Khatib who was arrested by military security more than two months ago. Nizar Kassem Khatib was released ten days ago as well and both were in good health. Bilal Kassem Khatib, Mustafa Qasim Khatib and Imad Khatib Qasim are still in detention.
Kafr Nabil: An evening protest was launched in support of the martyr Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs, despite the town being besieged by a heavy security deployment.
Sermin: Security forces and Shabiha stormed the town in a brutal campaign of raids and arbitrary arrests. The following are known to have been detained:
- Akram Abdul Razak Tajuddin
- Khaled Haj Hussein, "Abu-Jamal," has stolen his car
- Anas Abdulkarim Khabir
- Hazem Akkak
- Hikmat Mustafa Burgos, and stole his motorcycle
- Ali Adib Deib Hamdo
- Mustafa Abdul Razak Melhem
- Munir Ibrahim Deib
- Abdo Ibrahim Deib
- Anwar Ibrahim Deib
- Mohamed Khaled Bitar
- Karim Issa Height
- Hassan Abdul Karim Al'Alou
- Majid Al'Alou
- Abdul Qader Sheikh Ahmed
- Mustafa Mohammad
- Mohammed Ahmed Haj Hassoun
- Ibrahim Abdul Rahman Matawb
- Abdul Karim Abdou Haloul
- Ali Qaq
- Malik Talib
- Firas Mohammed Mahloul
- Ahmed Abdel Karim Mahloul
- Abdou Karim Mahloul.
Hama Province:
Qamhana: At 10am this morning, the following people were arrested:
1. Mohammed Hamedo Sooden 33 years old
2. Hakim Ahmed Sooden 45 years
3. Mr. Zaher Hijazi, 28 years old
Former detainees:
1. Amin Sooden Abdul Majid
2. Shuail Bara Kaddour
3. Mu'taz Hassoun
4. Samer Ajaj
5. Ahmed Sabah
6. AymanAl'Amar
7. Khaled Walid Abdul Rahman
Halfaya: Patrols of the military security squad raided the town of Halfaya for the tenth day and evening and opened fire on a private car, injuring five people and killing one person named Madin Joash.
Al'Qasir: The following bodies have been identified at the military hospital:
1 - Captain Engineer Maan Abdul Karim Al'kanij
2- Malik Abdul Karim Zhori
3 - Mahmoud Abdul-Karim Zhori
4- Majdin Naser Khader
5 - Mahmoud Ghazi Awad
6 - Abdullah Abdul Jawad Jamul
7 - Abdul Hadi Al Yathrib Zhori
8 - a veterinarian Ghaidan Abdul Hadi Zhori
9 - child Adnan Mahmoud Abdul Karim Zhori 16 years old
Talbisah: The martyrdom of Sultan Ahmed Rahal who was arrested two days ago in good health on 9/23. His body was returned today and had died under torture. He was 45 years old and married.
The Khaled ibn al-Walid Brigade of the Free Syria Army destroyed an armored target tonight at a roundabout next to Al Hamra, which led to 10 security forces to be injured or killed.
Lattakia: Martyrdom of young Mustafa Mohamed Fizou under torture by branches of the security services. Peace be upon him.
Raqqa: Magistrate Imad Eddin stopped the detention of Hamoud al-Shihan after transmission of the criminal code to the security branch of Raqqa.
Ikhtareen: A funeral for the martyr military recruiter Mustafa Zino in the afternoon turned into a protest calling for the fall of the regime.
Damascus Province:
City of Damascus: The sound of shooting could be heard in the neighborhood of Mazzeh Filat Gharbia.
Al'Midan: A number of demonstration were launched from male and female schools, as well as other schools. The Shabiha attacked one of these demonstrations, forcing some of the girls to run away via adjacent alleyways.
Deraa Province:
1. Omar Ahmed Kushan 67 years for the second time
2. D. Mohamed Ammar Awad 51 years for the third time
3. Bilal Omar Kushan
4. Samer Mohammed Bakri for the second time
5. Mohammad Bakri, father of Samer and the security pressure on Samer threatened his father,
6. Ibrahim Bakri, Abu Jafar
7. Osama Ibrahim Ammar for the second time
8. Tariq Ziyadeh Shehadeh 8. Ahmed Ammar Abu Yamen
9. Abdallah Al'Moutlaq
10. Hindi Mahmoud Al'Zoukani
Acitivists say some of those detained are sick and they demand the regime released them immediately or the regime will bear full responsibility for their well being.
Dael: heavy fire from heavy weapons and anti-air weapons occurred tonight.
Idlib Province and Hama:
Khan Sheikhoun Region (Hama) - Al'Saqilibeh: Barriers have been erected to keep demonstrations from entering mostly Alawite areas in the Nahr al-Bared. Near the city Al'Saqilibeh, there was the abduction of 7 people from the city of Khan Sheikhoun who were traveling in two cars as they passed the area overhead and have been kidnapped due to their identity of being from the city of Khan Sheikhoun. The names of the people are listed below:Muhammad Ahmad Taan
Jareer Yasser Sarmani
Mustafa Mahi'aldin Qatini
Khalid Mustafa Al'Azraq
Muhammad Adnan Mansour
Manaf Fouad Sarmani
Taftanaz: Today Mustafa Mohammed Deib Ghazal was arrested at a checkpoint near Taftanaz airport and was transferred to military security in Idlib.
Jabal Az'Awiya: Confirmed: A great split in the ranks of the military occurred in the village of Al'Rami and the regime is bringing in security forces and vehicles to track down the dissidents.
Hizanou: A Protest was launched in memory of the martyr Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs.
Jisr Al'Shaghour: Yesterday, Saturday night:
Forces cut off the electrical grid for the entire city of Jisr Al'Shaghour. Bulldozers and other digging equipment were then brought into the new cemetery. A mass grave was then dug and approximately sixty unidentified bodies were buried. Land officials are now telling everyone that in order to bury anyone in this new cemetery it will cost 6,000 Syrian pounds ($122) a to before unheard of government division called the "Society for Burials" (the exact name is not known). Such taxes and fees or official papers were never needed in the past to bury someone. Activists think the new tax may be an effort to keep people away from the mass grave and prevent anyone from finding its exact whereabouts.
Kafroumah | Despite being the grip of the military and a blockade, the people of the town insisted on launching a demonstration in support of the martyr Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs.
Town of Ariha- Corine: A large demonstration was held in Corinne supporting the martyr Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs and calling for the fall of the system.
Sermin: Despite the fierce campaign launched by security forces and the Shabiha Sunday morning, a protest shouting and demanding the execution of Bashar Al'Assad, the release detainees, and in support of Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs went forward.
Al'Neirab: During the campaign on Sunday, five people were arrested. Three of them were released and two have continued to be held:
1. Mohammed Mustafa Thrush of Neirab
2. Abdul Razak Mohammed Darwish of Neirab
Jabal Az'Awiya Region - Mahamabal: Very heavy gunfire was heard in the area.
Jabal Az'Awiya region - Maraeian: Today saw the release of Khaled Kassem Khatib who was arrested by military security more than two months ago. Nizar Kassem Khatib was released ten days ago as well and both were in good health. Bilal Kassem Khatib, Mustafa Qasim Khatib and Imad Khatib Qasim are still in detention.
Kafr Nabil: An evening protest was launched in support of the martyr Zeinab Al'Hasani of Homs, despite the town being besieged by a heavy security deployment.
Sermin: Security forces and Shabiha stormed the town in a brutal campaign of raids and arbitrary arrests. The following are known to have been detained:
- Akram Abdul Razak Tajuddin
- Khaled Haj Hussein, "Abu-Jamal," has stolen his car
- Anas Abdulkarim Khabir
- Hazem Akkak
- Hikmat Mustafa Burgos, and stole his motorcycle
- Ali Adib Deib Hamdo
- Mustafa Abdul Razak Melhem
- Munir Ibrahim Deib
- Abdo Ibrahim Deib
- Anwar Ibrahim Deib
- Mohamed Khaled Bitar
- Karim Issa Height
- Hassan Abdul Karim Al'Alou
- Majid Al'Alou
- Abdul Qader Sheikh Ahmed
- Mustafa Mohammad
- Mohammed Ahmed Haj Hassoun
- Ibrahim Abdul Rahman Matawb
- Abdul Karim Abdou Haloul
- Ali Qaq
- Malik Talib
- Firas Mohammed Mahloul
- Ahmed Abdel Karim Mahloul
- Abdou Karim Mahloul.
Hama Province:
Qamhana: At 10am this morning, the following people were arrested:
1. Mohammed Hamedo Sooden 33 years old
2. Hakim Ahmed Sooden 45 years
3. Mr. Zaher Hijazi, 28 years old
Former detainees:
1. Amin Sooden Abdul Majid
2. Shuail Bara Kaddour
3. Mu'taz Hassoun
4. Samer Ajaj
5. Ahmed Sabah
6. AymanAl'Amar
7. Khaled Walid Abdul Rahman
Halfaya: Patrols of the military security squad raided the town of Halfaya for the tenth day and evening and opened fire on a private car, injuring five people and killing one person named Madin Joash.
Homs Province:
City of Homs: Five cars full of heavily armed soldier were seen on the Corniche heading toward the Bab Amr today.Al'Qasir: The following bodies have been identified at the military hospital:
1 - Captain Engineer Maan Abdul Karim Al'kanij
2- Malik Abdul Karim Zhori
3 - Mahmoud Abdul-Karim Zhori
4- Majdin Naser Khader
5 - Mahmoud Ghazi Awad
6 - Abdullah Abdul Jawad Jamul
7 - Abdul Hadi Al Yathrib Zhori
8 - a veterinarian Ghaidan Abdul Hadi Zhori
9 - child Adnan Mahmoud Abdul Karim Zhori 16 years old
Talbisah: The martyrdom of Sultan Ahmed Rahal who was arrested two days ago in good health on 9/23. His body was returned today and had died under torture. He was 45 years old and married.
The Khaled ibn al-Walid Brigade of the Free Syria Army destroyed an armored target tonight at a roundabout next to Al Hamra, which led to 10 security forces to be injured or killed.
Lattakia: Martyrdom of young Mustafa Mohamed Fizou under torture by branches of the security services. Peace be upon him.
Raqqa: Magistrate Imad Eddin stopped the detention of Hamoud al-Shihan after transmission of the criminal code to the security branch of Raqqa.
LCC Update: Army Continues Attacks on Homs and Idlib Provinces
Homs Province:
Renewed gunfire from heavy weapons in the neighborhood of Baba Amr from the western entrance of the neighborhood. The Syrian military also storms the area of Zaafaraneh that is located between Talbiseh and Rastan with heavy machinery and tanks and heavy gunfire in the town now.
Security forces forced the families of three young girls who were kidnapped by the security to sign and acknowledgment that their daughters ran away with their lovers! security forces kidnapped Duha Shawa last week, while Lina Yasser Al-Sabagh was kidnapped since the last ten days of Ramadan, and Yasmine Al-Najar was also kidnapped during the last month
The body of the martyr Abdulmoeen Makhal, a defected recruit, was handed to his parents by the Military Hospital. The body shows signs of brutal torture. Security forces arrested the martyr when they stormed the village of Zaafaraneh on 8/19/2011.
Rastan: At least two wounded by random and heavy shooting, and new security and military reinforcements arrive to the city.
Qosair: The residents receive two unidentified bodies. A large number of young people are still missing, including Abdo Jalas, Mohammad Harbeh, Mostapha Kanj, Bilal Kanj, Omar Jobran, Anas Motawwaa, Mohammad Mohildeen, Hassan Ali Amer, Bassel Haj Hassan and Khaled Jabbour.
Idlib Province: The security forces have started a widespread detention campaign in Neirab, Sarmein, and Aminas looking for defecting soldiers who fled from the Talae' military camp in Al-Mastoumeh.
Renewed gunfire from heavy weapons in the neighborhood of Baba Amr from the western entrance of the neighborhood. The Syrian military also storms the area of Zaafaraneh that is located between Talbiseh and Rastan with heavy machinery and tanks and heavy gunfire in the town now.
Security forces forced the families of three young girls who were kidnapped by the security to sign and acknowledgment that their daughters ran away with their lovers! security forces kidnapped Duha Shawa last week, while Lina Yasser Al-Sabagh was kidnapped since the last ten days of Ramadan, and Yasmine Al-Najar was also kidnapped during the last month
The body of the martyr Abdulmoeen Makhal, a defected recruit, was handed to his parents by the Military Hospital. The body shows signs of brutal torture. Security forces arrested the martyr when they stormed the village of Zaafaraneh on 8/19/2011.
Rastan: At least two wounded by random and heavy shooting, and new security and military reinforcements arrive to the city.
Qosair: The residents receive two unidentified bodies. A large number of young people are still missing, including Abdo Jalas, Mohammad Harbeh, Mostapha Kanj, Bilal Kanj, Omar Jobran, Anas Motawwaa, Mohammad Mohildeen, Hassan Ali Amer, Bassel Haj Hassan and Khaled Jabbour.
Idlib Province: The security forces have started a widespread detention campaign in Neirab, Sarmein, and Aminas looking for defecting soldiers who fled from the Talae' military camp in Al-Mastoumeh.
LCC Update: Security Forces Storm Schools in the city of Banyas and Students are Striking in Douma
Number of martyrs in Syria today thus far is 3.
Aleppo Province:
Ekhtreen: The funeral of martyr soldier Mustafa Zaino converted to be a massive demonstration calling to topple the regime
Deraa Province:
Sahem Golan: A student’s demonstration marched out from the Preparatory School in the village calling to free the detainee students despite the expulsion of some students
Daeel: Security attacked a group of student from the school of martyr Yaser Asemy and arrested tens of them after they protested against the regime, among the detainees are Humaid Jamous, Mahmoud Abo Zaid, Basam Abo Zaid, Omar Faker and Mahmoud Asffour
Al-Mitayeh village: Security forces stormed after besieging it , imposed a curfew, and raided some houses, among was the home of Hasan Sbeitan
Homs Province:
City of Homs: A large number of security forces are storming the Khaldiah with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades in addition to their heavy presence in the streets leading to the neighborhood. Homs mourn their martyr Ghassan Tawakoul, who was injured in last days of Ramadan and was moved to Al Ber Hospital to get the treatment, but was kidnapped by security forces from the hospital. No one has heard from him since then. Today he was delivered to his family as a dead body.
Talbiseh: Martyrdom of Ahmed Sultan Al Rahal, 45 year old due to torture since he was arrested two days ago.
Rastan: Heavy gunfire in the city, combing the surrounding farms and surrounding the city with army tanks from Deir Foul side (east) and Baraq junction (north). Other tanks are based at the entrances of the city
Damascus Province:
Several students from Azzah Al-Hasriyah school in Midan have been arrested by security forces and the police.
Damascus Suburbs:
Douma: Security forces and army are deployed in the city, while students refused to go to schools.
Lattakia Province:
Banyas: Security forces are storming Qreir junior high school after a demonstration took place in it.
Aleppo Province:
Ekhtreen: The funeral of martyr soldier Mustafa Zaino converted to be a massive demonstration calling to topple the regime
Deraa Province:
Sahem Golan: A student’s demonstration marched out from the Preparatory School in the village calling to free the detainee students despite the expulsion of some students
Daeel: Security attacked a group of student from the school of martyr Yaser Asemy and arrested tens of them after they protested against the regime, among the detainees are Humaid Jamous, Mahmoud Abo Zaid, Basam Abo Zaid, Omar Faker and Mahmoud Asffour
Al-Mitayeh village: Security forces stormed after besieging it , imposed a curfew, and raided some houses, among was the home of Hasan Sbeitan
Homs Province:
City of Homs: A large number of security forces are storming the Khaldiah with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades in addition to their heavy presence in the streets leading to the neighborhood. Homs mourn their martyr Ghassan Tawakoul, who was injured in last days of Ramadan and was moved to Al Ber Hospital to get the treatment, but was kidnapped by security forces from the hospital. No one has heard from him since then. Today he was delivered to his family as a dead body.
Talbiseh: Martyrdom of Ahmed Sultan Al Rahal, 45 year old due to torture since he was arrested two days ago.
Rastan: Heavy gunfire in the city, combing the surrounding farms and surrounding the city with army tanks from Deir Foul side (east) and Baraq junction (north). Other tanks are based at the entrances of the city
Damascus Province:
Several students from Azzah Al-Hasriyah school in Midan have been arrested by security forces and the police.
Damascus Suburbs:
Douma: Security forces and army are deployed in the city, while students refused to go to schools.
Lattakia Province:
Banyas: Security forces are storming Qreir junior high school after a demonstration took place in it.
Inside Source: From 9/16-9/24 At least 57 People Killed in Homs
As security forces clamped down on the city of Homs, casualties have dramatically risen over the past week. At least 57 people were killed over the past 9 days in Homs alone. The following is a list of those killed and the neighborhoods they are from.
Friday: 16 / 9
1 - Martyr Mohammed Bashar al-Faisal Tadmoury
2 - Mohamed Al-Daher from Bab Sabaa
3 - Martyr Abdul Rahman from the farming district of Al'Nazhim
4 - Martyr Ziyad Tariq Abdul Kader from the neighborhood of Al'Mareejah in bab al'Sabaa was martyred under torture.
5 - Mohamed Al-Radwan neighborhood of Bab Al'Sabaa
6 - Martyr Fouad Fakhouri 30 years old from the neighborhood Bayada
Saturday: 17 / 9
7 - Martyr Alaa Tanourah from district Bayyadah was a conscript on leave when during a protest when he was shot by security forces and succumbed to his wounds.
8 - Martyr Essam Saad El Din Baliqah
9 - Martyr Ahmed Falah
10 - Martyr Ali Salimeh
11 - Martyr Bilal Awad
Sunday: 18 / 9
12 - the hero martyr Muhammad Ali from the district Al'Nazhim
13 - Martyr Lt. Corporal Muhannad Mohammed Shobaki from the city of Rastan was martyred in Deraa for refusing to fire.
Monday: 19 / 9
14 - Child Yahya Abdul Muti Bakkour from the city of Hula
15 - Martyr Hassan Bakkour Shamsa from the city of Hula
16 - dissident troops from the city of Hula
17 - dissident troops from the city of Hula
18 - Martyr Hussain Nasser, 40 years old from the city of Hula
19 - Martyr Mahmoud Hamada 25 years old from the city of Hula
20 - Martyr child Bilal Mohammed Amer 10 years old from the city of Hula
Tuesday: 20 / 9
21 - Martyr Abdulaziz Faisal Abu Ghalyoun from Deir Balbeh 24 years old and who has been in three months ago was handed over to his family
22 - Martyr Moataz Mohamed Ghazi Bab Gosairawi 26 years old Amr
23 - Martyr Maher Zoubi child 11 years old of the city of Rastan
24 - Amna Martyr Abeed of the city of Rastan
Wednesday: 21 / 9
25 - Martyr Turki Marwan Bakir from Bab Amr
26 - the martyrdom of a woman named mother Tarrad Hissou from Bab Amr was on the roof of her home when she was shot by a sniper
27 - Mr. Martyr Jihad Haji
28 - Martyr Ahmed Ibrahim Ayouch native of Al'Qasir shot in the head in Al'Sabaa Bab
29 - Martyr Mahmoud Suleiman Aldhak about 24 years old from the city of Tabliseh
30 - Bashar al-Saqr child Martyr of the city of Rastan
31 - Martyr Adnan Hamdan Abu Hassan from the city of Rastan
32 - Martyr Malik Hasan Darwish from the city of Rastan
33 - Martyr Mr. Abdul Baset Hamza, Director of the Al'Deek school from the city of Rastan
Thursday: 22 / 9
34 - Martyr Haji Abdul Hakim, son of Muhammad Ali Al'Shaar (Abu Talal) 50 years old from the neighborhood of Bayyadah
35 - Martyr Ahmed Abdel Hadi Friday (Al'latouf) from the city of Tabliseh
36 - the hero martyr Hamdo Suleiman Hamada from the city of Al'Qasir
37 - Martyr Omar Fattah
38 - Martyr Corporal Fadi Adnan Issa
Friday: 23 / 9
39 - the hero martyr Mahmoud Mohamed Al'Dikh from the city of Tabliseh
40 - Martyr Safwan Saad Al'Mouthaloum from the neighborhood of Bayyadah
41 - Martyr Alaa Saad El Din Kinjou from Bab Al'Dareeb
42 - Martyr Hisham Maghribal from Bab al-Al'Dareeb
43 - Mohamed Al-Darwish of the neighborhood Khalidiya
44 - Martyr Adel Baroudi of the neighborhood Khalidiya
45 - Martyr Maher Ibn Subhi Aweer from district of Bab alSabaa
Saturday: 24 / 9
46 - Martyr Abdul Jawad Abdullah Jamoul
47 - Martyr Abdul Hafiz Jamoul
48 - Martyr Mahmoud Ouwda
49 - Martyr Malik Zhori
50 - Martyr Alaa Zhori
51 - Martyr Rabiya Zhori (Abu Roshdy)
52 - Martyr Abdul-Karim Marei Zhori 50 years old
53 - Martyr Adnan Abdul Karim Zhori 14 years old, the son of martyr Abdul Karim
54 - Martyr Hassan Jibran
55 - Martyr Raed Mahmoud Haseeyan 33 years old
56 - Martyr Maan Al'Kanaj
Homs / Tabliseh:
57 - Martyr Majid Abdul-Hadi al-Basha (Al'Hibeeni) 35 years old died of wounds sustained on Thursday 22nd.
Friday: 16 / 9
1 - Martyr Mohammed Bashar al-Faisal Tadmoury
2 - Mohamed Al-Daher from Bab Sabaa
3 - Martyr Abdul Rahman from the farming district of Al'Nazhim
4 - Martyr Ziyad Tariq Abdul Kader from the neighborhood of Al'Mareejah in bab al'Sabaa was martyred under torture.
5 - Mohamed Al-Radwan neighborhood of Bab Al'Sabaa
6 - Martyr Fouad Fakhouri 30 years old from the neighborhood Bayada
Saturday: 17 / 9
7 - Martyr Alaa Tanourah from district Bayyadah was a conscript on leave when during a protest when he was shot by security forces and succumbed to his wounds.
8 - Martyr Essam Saad El Din Baliqah
9 - Martyr Ahmed Falah
10 - Martyr Ali Salimeh
11 - Martyr Bilal Awad
Sunday: 18 / 9
12 - the hero martyr Muhammad Ali from the district Al'Nazhim
13 - Martyr Lt. Corporal Muhannad Mohammed Shobaki from the city of Rastan was martyred in Deraa for refusing to fire.
Monday: 19 / 9
14 - Child Yahya Abdul Muti Bakkour from the city of Hula
15 - Martyr Hassan Bakkour Shamsa from the city of Hula
16 - dissident troops from the city of Hula
17 - dissident troops from the city of Hula
18 - Martyr Hussain Nasser, 40 years old from the city of Hula
19 - Martyr Mahmoud Hamada 25 years old from the city of Hula
20 - Martyr child Bilal Mohammed Amer 10 years old from the city of Hula
Tuesday: 20 / 9
21 - Martyr Abdulaziz Faisal Abu Ghalyoun from Deir Balbeh 24 years old and who has been in three months ago was handed over to his family
22 - Martyr Moataz Mohamed Ghazi Bab Gosairawi 26 years old Amr
23 - Martyr Maher Zoubi child 11 years old of the city of Rastan
24 - Amna Martyr Abeed of the city of Rastan
Wednesday: 21 / 9
25 - Martyr Turki Marwan Bakir from Bab Amr
26 - the martyrdom of a woman named mother Tarrad Hissou from Bab Amr was on the roof of her home when she was shot by a sniper
27 - Mr. Martyr Jihad Haji
28 - Martyr Ahmed Ibrahim Ayouch native of Al'Qasir shot in the head in Al'Sabaa Bab
29 - Martyr Mahmoud Suleiman Aldhak about 24 years old from the city of Tabliseh
30 - Bashar al-Saqr child Martyr of the city of Rastan
31 - Martyr Adnan Hamdan Abu Hassan from the city of Rastan
32 - Martyr Malik Hasan Darwish from the city of Rastan
33 - Martyr Mr. Abdul Baset Hamza, Director of the Al'Deek school from the city of Rastan
Thursday: 22 / 9
34 - Martyr Haji Abdul Hakim, son of Muhammad Ali Al'Shaar (Abu Talal) 50 years old from the neighborhood of Bayyadah
35 - Martyr Ahmed Abdel Hadi Friday (Al'latouf) from the city of Tabliseh
36 - the hero martyr Hamdo Suleiman Hamada from the city of Al'Qasir
37 - Martyr Omar Fattah
38 - Martyr Corporal Fadi Adnan Issa
Friday: 23 / 9
39 - the hero martyr Mahmoud Mohamed Al'Dikh from the city of Tabliseh
40 - Martyr Safwan Saad Al'Mouthaloum from the neighborhood of Bayyadah
41 - Martyr Alaa Saad El Din Kinjou from Bab Al'Dareeb
42 - Martyr Hisham Maghribal from Bab al-Al'Dareeb
43 - Mohamed Al-Darwish of the neighborhood Khalidiya
44 - Martyr Adel Baroudi of the neighborhood Khalidiya
45 - Martyr Maher Ibn Subhi Aweer from district of Bab alSabaa
Saturday: 24 / 9
46 - Martyr Abdul Jawad Abdullah Jamoul
47 - Martyr Abdul Hafiz Jamoul
48 - Martyr Mahmoud Ouwda
49 - Martyr Malik Zhori
50 - Martyr Alaa Zhori
51 - Martyr Rabiya Zhori (Abu Roshdy)
52 - Martyr Abdul-Karim Marei Zhori 50 years old
53 - Martyr Adnan Abdul Karim Zhori 14 years old, the son of martyr Abdul Karim
54 - Martyr Hassan Jibran
55 - Martyr Raed Mahmoud Haseeyan 33 years old
56 - Martyr Maan Al'Kanaj
Homs / Tabliseh:
57 - Martyr Majid Abdul-Hadi al-Basha (Al'Hibeeni) 35 years old died of wounds sustained on Thursday 22nd.
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